Letter to Brandon
funky upbeat , percussion ,guitar, piano, snapping, songwriter moving Female vocals , country, Afrikaans styleLyrics
*Verse 1**
In the heart of South Africa, where the sun kisses the land,
Came a man named Brandon, with a gentle, caring hand.
At just twenty-five, he walks with a humble stride,
With a heart full of kindness, he's a beacon, a guide.
Oh, Brandon, you're a treasure, a shining light so bright,
God took time to craft you, and he did it just right.
With love in every gesture and beauty in your soul,
You bring warmth to the world; you make broken hearts whole.
**Verse 2**
With laughter in your eyes and compassion in your touch,
You lift others when they're down, you give them hope so much.
In a world that can be shadowed, you're the dawn breaking through,
A selfless spirit shining, painting skies in hues of blue.
Oh, Brandon, you're a treasure, a shining light so bright,
God took time to craft you, and he did it just right.
With love in every gesture and beauty in your soul,
You bring warmth to the world; you make broken hearts whole.
When the stars are dancing, and the night begins to fall,
Know that you are cherished, and your love inspires all.
With every step you take, with every dream you weave,
You hold so much within you, more than you believe.
Oh, Brandon, you're a treasure, a shining light so bright,
God took time to craft you, and he did it just right.
With love in every gesture and beauty in your soul,
You bring warmth to the world; you make broken hearts whole.
**Outro (Letter to Brandon)**
Dear Brandon, you’re a gift, so unique and so rare,
You have so much to give, a love beyond compare.
In this world that can be harsh, you’re a soft, gentle breeze,
God blessed me with knowing you; your spirit brings me peace.
So wear your heart with pride, let your spirit soar high,
For you touch lives in ways that make the stars cry.
Keep shining in your way, remember who you are,
For you were made with purpose, a true and shining star.
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Letter to Brandon
funky upbeat , percussion ,guitar, piano, snapping, songwriter moving Female vocals , country, Afrikaans style