Cartoon theme songLyrics
**[Verse 1]**
Cy's the boss, runnin’ things with style,*
*Jay’s by his side, they been down for a while.*
*Detective Walker, always on the case,*
*Martin's got the moves, nobody can replace.*
Watch out for Rossi and Anderson too
They sneaky and slimy they’ll lie to your face laughing with you whole time they building a case
*Momo’s the prince, yeah, she’s fresh on the scene,*
*Big Zoo’s the OG, knows what it means.*
*Shonna got that fire, when it’s time to ride,*
*They got the block, holdin’ it down with pride.*
*Oh, cops from the block, they stay on top,*
*Keepin’ it smooth, they never gon’ stop.*
*From the hood to the streets, they runnin’ the beat,*
**[Verse 2]**
*Cy's the boss, runnin’ things with style,*
*Jay’s by his side, they been down for a while.*
*Detective Walker, always on the case,*
*Martin's got the moves, nobody can replace.*
Watch out for Rossi and Anderson too
They sneaky and slimy they’ll lie to your face laughing with you whole time they building a case
*Momo’s the prince, yeah, she’s fresh on the scene,*
*Big Zoo’s the OG, knows what it means.*
*Shonna got that fire, when it’s time to ride,*
*They got the block, holdin’ it down with pride.*
*Oh, cops from the block, they stay on top,*
*Keepin’ it smooth, they never gon’ stop.*
*From the hood to the streets, they runnin’ the beat,*
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