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The Highly Threat of the World (BT Baryonyx vs Rei Ryghts) (The Dino Subjects vs

metal, electric guitar, female singing, future bass, punk, electro, rock


It's now or never .... It's time to die .... Prepare to meet your FAAAAAATE!!.


The Ultimate Power Of The Goddess, and this is you'll never be the same again, I'm the ultimate power, I'm the ultimate being, I am the Cyan Heart, I'll make the world into a living hell, the other goddesses of CPUs will die into ashes, and I'll be the one, TO RULE THE WORLD!!!

from The Scourage of The Dino Subjects, I became a bigger threat and strike them down who gets in my way, The fearless dinosaur, the madness reptile, and I will be the BIGGEST THREAT, It's The Highly Threat ... OF THE WORLD!!.


This is it, time has come, this world will be CRUMBLED!!, NOW DIIIIIIIIIIIIE!!!.

The highly threat of the world, was the master plans of the Mastermind's control the whole army, to WAR!.
I couldn't bring myself right now, I am desperate and shy because I am not afraid of anyone who stands in my way, because I'm not afraid, it has something to do with me and you, I will be fight, as hardest, to the END!.

It's the highly threat of the world, I'll make sure that we will crash our places, and all hope is lost, it's their lost, not me, because they're nothing but a bunch of INSECTS!.

The biggest threat is my thing, it happens in the rest of the world, it is time to release my anger, the power of infinite speed.

Do not mess with me, because this is Rei Ryghts, and they're nothing but a insolent reptiles.

I won't allow it, she's being disgrace of society, and now put the end of this right now ... Now ... NOW! ... NOW!!.

from The Scourage of The Dino Subjects, I became a bigger threat and strike them down who gets in my way, because I am the most dangerous dinosaur on the planet.
You think you're smart, because I'm a goddess, and this is how you die ... Die ... DIE! ... DIE!!!.


The highly threat of the world, was the master plans of the Mastermind's control the whole army, to war.
Now this is the end, you can rest now, and live and peace .... Of ... The World.

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The Highly Threat of the World (BT Baryonyx vs Rei Ryghts) (The Dino Subjects vs

metal, electric guitar, female singing, future bass, punk, electro, rock
