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Vinyl DJ Turntable Scratch, Southern Rap Pads Blues Rock Experimental, Melodic Banjo Rap, Alternative Bro Country Pop


…The Way Back…

[VERSE 1-Aesop Rock]
I wanna go back
Midwest Kids from nowhere Michigan sticks
Silly bro teens liven by our own unwritten rubrics
Back to kicking it in the back woods
Nothin beats crack’n quick witted jokes with the buds
Sippin on somethin odd
Like strong taste’n spiced rum
Chit chatt’n about everything dumb
Lip packed full spit’n dip
Chirp’n & snicker’n cause we spit a wad strung like a fiddle
Tryin lit sticks for the first time
Coughing up a thick smoke, phlegm slime


[CHORUS-Aesop Rock]
Not all moments were perfect
But every single moment was perfect to me
Travel back when it was just us three
I wanna go back
There for one another to keep us from derailing off track
When summers felt forever
We always stayed tightly knitted together
I wanna…
Go back…
Reminisce of the way back…
I wanna go back to the
..way.. ..way.. ..back..


[VERSE 2-Aesop Rock]
I wanna go back…
Back to getting into each others passions
Huntin scout’n & even fishin
Funnest part is that neither of us really knew what we was doin
Lift’n for circuit amateur fight’n
Though for me, I was never a fighter
I’ve always been the epitome of spoken words of a lover
But sometimes my actions spoke differently
Cause collisions of hard hits in sports was my rhapsody
Strength served us well one more than the others
We always came to support cause we defined ourselves as brothers


I wanna go back to the
..way.. ..way.. ..back..

[BRIDGE-Aesop Rock]
Back when things were simple
Just us three
With yall, I finally felt free
It was us against the world
No matter how many times we drank & hurled
I used to exist alone
Till I met y’all & for once I was actually known


[CHORUS-Aesop Rock]
I wanna go back to the
..way.. ..way.. ..back..
Not all moments were perfect
But every single moment was perfect to me
Travel back when it was just us three
I wanna go back
There for one another to keep us from derailing off track
When summers felt forever
We always stayed tightly knitted together
I wanna…
Go back…
Reminisce of the way back…
I wanna go back to the
..way.. ..way.. ..back..

If we ever drift apart
Just know you both will always be in my heart
Live’n on & on in memory
Engraved from within until my last days become blurry
I’ll never forget our bad & good history
When its my time to fly
Some things won’t be written in stone
But you both gave my soul a real story
Cheers to the
..way.. ..way.. ..back..
Oh that
..way.. ..way.. ..back..


…Wa.. Wa.. Wakshi Batoo


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Durchstöbere jetzt unsere KI-Songs-Bibliothek und erlebe die Zukunft der Musikerstellung!

Vinyl DJ Turntable Scratch, Southern Rap Pads Blues Rock Experimental, Melodic Banjo Rap, Alternative Bro Country Pop
