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Hiphop love song with heavy bass and female vocals


Yeah, just me and my smoke
Lost in the haze, letting go of hope

I'm just chilling smoking cigarettes
Killing time, replaying my regrets
Was this love, or was it pretend
Questions repeating inside of my head

Late nights haunt me, shadows in my room,
Every single echo feels like life is ending soon
Your laughter lingers like a ghost I never knew
But every memory, is tearing me apart.
Tried to hold on, but you slipped through my hands,
did Yo even love me or was this all pretend
Now I’m lighting another, watching embers glow,
Can't escape this feeling; time is moving slow

I'm just chilling smoking cigarettes
Killing time, replaying my regrets
Was this love, or was it pretend
Questions repeating inside of my head

Sipping whiskey neat cuz I haven't lost the crown
Thoughts of you linger, silence they drown,
Now I'm alone, due to the actions you chose
In the rearview mirror, fading like the glow.
Chasing memories like they’re shadows on parade,
Wondering if your love’s just a masquerade,
Your promises echo like a haunting pain
But I’m buried alive, so stuck in my ways

Laying in bed smoking cigarettes
I'll stay alone until something's next
My brain keeps talking but it's too complex
Dig me a grave and leave me to rest

Alone in my room, staring at the ceiling,
I don’t want to move, paralyzed by feelings,
Each word you speak, I slowly weep,
I watch you leave, and my mind is screaming deep.
Your shadow casts doubt on the light of the day,
Cigarettes burning—my soul's price to pay,
You were my comfort, now the source of despair,
Caught in this cycle, still hoping you'll care.

I'm just chilling smoking cigarettes
Killing time, replaying my regrets
Was this love, or was it pretend
Questions repeating inside of my head

So I’ll sit here alone, smoke curling high,
With ashes of memories, I’m learning to fly,
These questions linger, but I’ll find my way,
Chasing the dawn,

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Hiphop love song with heavy bass and female vocals
