Spectrum of Love
Modern country love song with male singerLyrics
Most say a love so special
Needs no reason for a song.
But I think it’s best to tell you
‘Cause sometimes I get it wrong.
[Verse 1]
After twenty years of loving you
I know what makes you smile.
Like all those little things that show
I’ll go the extra mile.
We’ve developed quite the back and forth
It’s like a secret code.
If someone else was watching us they
May not even know.
[Verse 2]
It’s so thoughtful when you talk to me directly in my ear.
You know I hate loud noises but you
Make sure that I can hear.
You insist on always telling me
The same thing more than twice.
Because you know I love those extra words,
You’re only being nice.
Well they say that love’s a spectrum,
And I think that’s probly true.
I’m so glad I’m on the spectrum
With the love I show for you.
I’m not sure they’ll understand us
They might even show some fear.
Remember that it’s both of us
That those people think are weird.
I know you really don’t like clutter
Left all around the house.
That’s why I give all those reminders
To my forgetful spouse.
When the kitchen draw is left a mess
You always roll your eyes
And pretend to be annoyed with me
And let me organize.
[Verse 4]
When we’re sitting down to eat a meal
You never even care
That I clean up all the mess you left
While you just eat and stare.
And I know that you are keeping track
Of times you chew your food.
But I appreciate you let me
Count the number of your chews.
Well they say that love’s a spectrum,
You know that’s probly true.
And I’m somewhere on the spectrum
With the love I have with you.
Well I guess we’re both quite special
You and I are both the same.
We both do things that make us odd
But we do it in love’s name.
All the numbers must be even.
And everything is clean.
And everything is in a line
The grass is always green.
Neither one of us like small talk,
Or being in a crowd,
Or people when they interrupt,
Or when they talk too loud.
[Verse 5]
It’s amazing how alike we are.
We’re practically the same.
We can both be hard to live with when
We constantly complain.
It’s just like when I make some popcorn
You suddenly appear
And you ask me if I’ll share with you…
I don’t like that.
[Final Chorus]
Well they say that love’s a spectrum,
And I think that’s probly true.
They all say I’m on the spectrum
It must be cause I’m with you.
After all these years together
It’s so beautiful to see.
I’ve learned to show my love for you
And now you are just like me.
Well they say that love’s a spectrum,
And I think that’s probly true.
If they tested me they’d know I’m
On the spectrum here with you.
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