Scrollin' down the feed, what do I see?
Opinions pourin' out, but they don't agree.
Left and right, takin' shots in the night,
But if you stand for somethin', they’ll dim your light.
Got a post with some truth, I hit 'em with facts,
But the moment it’s up, here come the attacks.
"Offensive!" they scream, "Time to shut him down!"
But when the left uses slurs, they wear a crown.
Cursing like sailors, they dance in the rain,
I type my support, they try to bring the pain.
Welcome to the game, where they play to win,
But the rules aren't the same, if you're not in their skin.
Leftist rage runs wild, while we're walking a line,
Just trying to speak out, but our voices confined.
Every report that I file, just falls to the ground,
“Community Guidelines” don't seem to be found.
Harassment and threats, it’s all in their tool,
But let me say one word, and I’m labeled a fool.
Standing up for the right, it’s a dangerous path,
Moderators are blind when the left’s on their wrath.
Welcome to the game, where they play to win,
But the rules aren't the same, if you're not in their skin.
Leftist rage runs wild, while we're walking a line,
Just trying to speak out, but our voices confined.
Could it be that the truth’s just too much to bear?
In a world full of voices, they just don’t care.
Cancel culture ramps up, drowning out what’s right,
Gotta tiptoe so careful, 'neath the social media night.
If you don't want to be cancelled, keep your thoughts to yourself,
In this game of opinion, it's a battle for health.
Support what you love, but don’t dare take a stand,
Or you’ll find yourself silenced in this dark, twisted land.
Welcome to the game, where they play to win,
But the rules aren't the same, if you're not in their skin.
Leftist rage runs
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