deep houseLyrics
In the quiet of the night, we chase the stars,
Dreamers under moonlight, we’re never far.
With every heartbeat, we rise and fall,
Let the rhythm guide us, it’s a magic call.
Waking up to daylight, the world anew,
Every moment fleeting, still I’ll run with you.
We’ll paint our stories where the sky meets the sea,
With every step forward, we’ll set our spirits free.
So let the music play, let it fill the air,
In every note we find, a love beyond compare.
Together we’ll dance, lose ourselves in the sound,
In this symphony of life, our dreams are unbound.
Through the ups and downs, we’re hand in hand,
Facing every storm like castles in the sand.
With passion igniting like a fire in the night,
No fear on our journey, we’ll take flight.
So let the music play, let it fill the air,
In every note we find, a love beyond compare.
Together we’ll dance, lose ourselves in the sound,
In this symphony of life, our dreams are unbound.
And when the lights go low, we’ll be shining bright,
A beacon through the dark, a star in the night.
With your heart next to mine, we’ll conquer it all,
Together we’ll rise, never afraid of the fall.
Ooh, we’re alive and dreaming,
Ooh, the world is ours for keeping.
One heartbeat, one song, let’s sing it loud,
With every voice uniting, we’ll bring the crowd.
So let the music play, let it fill the air,
In every note we find, a love beyond compare.
Together we’ll dance, lose ourselves in the sound,
In this symphony of life, our dreams are unbound.
So as the echoes fade, remember this refrain,
In the heart of every moment, love will always remain.
With every sunset glowing, and dawn’s sweet embrace,
We’ll keep on dreaming fiercely, we’ve found our place.
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