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Forever in your eyes

country pop, piano guitar beat, slow love song, expressive female singer vocals,


(Verse 1)
We were just kids when you took my hand,
Dancing barefoot in the soft, warm sand.
I didn’t know it then, but I found my home,
In the way you held me, I’d never be alone.

And now the stars are shining brighter tonight,
With you here beside me, everything feels right.
I see our future when I look in your eyes,
You and me, forever, no more goodbyes.

I found my heart in the way you love me,
In every whisper, in every kiss we breathe.
I never knew a love so true,
But here I am, and it’s all because of you.
We’ll write our story, we’ll stand the test of time,
I see forever when I’m looking in your eyes.

(Verse 2)
Years have passed, but your touch still feels the same,
In every smile, I still hear my name.
We’ve built a life on trust and faith,
And every step we take, I know this love won’t fade.

So let the world spin on and the seasons change,
I’ll be here with you through the joy and the pain.
With you, my heart has finally found its place,
And every day, I fall deeper in grace.

I found my heart in the way you love me,
In every whisper, in every kiss we breathe.
I never knew a love so true,
But here I am, and it’s all because of you.
We’ll write our story, we’ll stand the test of time,
I see forever when I’m looking in your eyes.

Even when we’re gray and the years have flown by,
I’ll hold you close under the same night sky.
And when the world fades, it’ll still be you and me,
Two hearts forever, just like it was meant to be.

I found my heart in the way you love me,
In every whisper, in every kiss we breathe.
I never knew a love so true,
But here I am, and it’s all because of you.
We’ll write our story, we’ll stand the test of time,
I see forever when I’m looking in your eyes.

I see forever when I’m looking in your eyes…

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Forever in your eyes

country pop, piano guitar beat, slow love song, expressive female singer vocals,
