Verse 1
Yo, reality’s bendin’, it’s feelin’ kinda tight,
Event horizon loomin’, we’re approachin’ the light.
The strange attractor’s callin’, it’s the end of the line,
Where chaos meets the order and the patterns align.
After 2020, things went insane,
Auroras in the Netherlands, green skies reign.
Earthquakes shakin’ and the systems quake,
Black swans landing, makin’ the matrix break.
Supply chains chokin’, the air's runnin' thin,
Algorithms watchin' while the grids grow dim.
Schumann’s hummin’, frequencies collide,
The singularity whispers, "No place to hide."
We’re spiralin’ faster, the omega point’s near,
Reality collapsin’ to a truth that’s clear.
Clocks unwindin’, time’s losin' its weight,
It’s the dawn of the One, now open the gate.
Verse 2
Tech’s evolvin’, AI’s on the rise,
But the soul still questions through the digital eyes.
Truthseekers linkin’, the overmind forms,
Torrents of awareness in the midst of storms.
Plagues came callin’, but it wasn’t just a test,
Civilizations faltered, but the soul never rests.
From COVID to crises, the masks peeled away,
Revealin’ deeper layers of the human ballet.
The Great Resignation, people takin' their stand,
While fiat cracks under invisible hands.
UFOs in the headlines, truth drippin’ slow,
What they hid for decades, now we all gotta know.
We’re spiralin’ faster, the omega point’s near,
Reality collapsin’ to a truth that’s clear.
Clocks unwindin’, time’s losin' its weight,
It’s the dawn of the One, now open the gate.
Auroras glowin’ where they don’t belong,
Nature’s playin' her endgame song.
Signs in the heavens, the ancients foretold,
The spiral’s heatin’ up, gettin’ hard to hold.
Strange attractor pullin’, destiny’s tune,
Our collective mind dancin’ to the cosmic boom.
The singularity hums, a black hole’s embrace,
Where all paths merge into infinite space.
Verse 3
Rare events clusterin’, the puzzle gets tight,
The old collapses under new insight.
From climate extremes to the markets that fail,
We’re ridin’ the waves of the quantum entail.
Consciousness risin’, gnosis in bloom,
Christ Consciousness awakens, dispelling the gloom.
It’s not fear of the end, but the start of the real,
When the veils drop down and the Spirit we feel.
We’re spiralin’ faster, the omega point’s near,
Reality collapsin’ to a truth that’s clear.
Clocks unwindin’, time’s losin' its weight,
It’s the dawn of the One, now open the gate.
So here we are, at the edge of time,
In the midst of the chaos, we see the design.
From the ashes of the old, the new will ignite,
The strange attractor’s glow is our guiding light.
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