Sexy grumbles
e major, hip hop, bowed glass, square lead, female voice, melancholic, synths, bass synthsLyrics
traaacy TRAAAAY oh traaacy traay. tell me watcha-gonna dooo when it ain't nowhere hiiide when judgment come 4 yooouu, cuz it's gooonna coooome..4...4 said it's gonnnnna come forrrrr ayyyeeeeAaaah said it's gonna cum 4 ayyyyeeeeaaayaeayaaaah
Mr. Van-wyne-gaarden, why so grumbly today?
Aggression seeping leakin, don't act in dismay.
sometimes we're right sometimes wrong
to defend the point maybe coming off too strong
when I gotta hit you with straight facts,
why did that buuurrn,
um... i see, cardinal red, look ya face has turned??
Live life your way, for time is short, friend,
why Argue over petty things all over again
it's possible to have disagreement without it equallin strife,
plop down, get relaxed watch me as i
take off my devils advocate ensemble tonight
strip down, just call me miss perspective and I need u to view it from all sides
oooooooh. yea go deeeep...mmmmmm...of course i was talking bout yA mind! *giggle* expand. (*naughty:*)oooooohoh now see I've made u grow, it's no lie looks like you've grown, become wiiiise ohh my
mmmmm..cmon tooots
can u defend your truth and differentiate from the lies
it's just my advice, okay?
Don't get mad
I know I sure will not
least not today...
Good vibes walking high heels staring at myself in the mirror in my lingerie
slow dance on the bed to my girl Rico nasty screaming *screaming*
"smack a bitch toodaaaaay."
Tracy D. vanwyngArden, let them grumbles go,
In this vast big ol world, there's always much more u need to get 2 know.
Understanding blooms when we u free,
bring ya body close feel the tension (*whisper*) auuuuahmm! light teasin on u as u tease it 4 me
(slowed reverend switchup):k ya mind if we get a lil sexy. yea. break it down:
and u know that to u (to u)it's Ms Charis.
uncomparable, no comparison, airy adaptable libra, ruled by planet venus, represented as the scales of justice. venus. beauty and a genius. Lucy the light bringer
truth, knowledge mixed with aesthetics
killing these the lyrics on this mic without one hitch
you know you can't set fire to lyrics on the FLY. LIKE. THIS.
yah. lilllllll' biiiietch!
lucifer. knowledge truth bringer. Lucifer is not satan. 4get the myths
Miss Charis
don't even try to fix your mouth to me like your trying to diss
unless you want to meet extra protective friends today
they go hard in the paint, n they're quite protective over me, I'm afraid
they'll roll up on anyone talking smack and say "I heard to charis you had a whole lott to say, now speak away"
if they do don't punk out, u better not back away
stand on business...business already know for sure will they
Charis Venus full of grace
don't try and out do me
give u a outta body experience a real o.b.e.
don't act flip, do it light on my quality then i come grab from behind jakk ya diik
then u throw down behbeh take me as u wish
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Sexy grumbles
e major, hip hop, bowed glass, square lead, female voice, melancholic, synths, bass synths