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The Barker's

80s, broadway, rock ballad, carnival, fair, theatrical male vocals



Alive! Alive! Alive!
Come on in and see Daisy May,
our two-headed cow.
See a sheep with six legs.
Yes, six.
Count 'em yourself.
six legs.
And these are creatures of God,
ladies and gentlemen,
not man.
They are all inside,
and alive.
Alive! Alive! Alive!

These are all creatures of God,
ladies and gentlemen,
not man.
They are authentic,
and they are…
Alive, alive… alive…

Inside this tent,
you'll see the most beautiful girls you ever saw.
Six of the loveliest in the world,
like my sister Mona here.
Give 'em a little show, girl.
Open it up...
No, that's all,
Just a tease.

My own lovely sister.
Right here,
The beautiful,
She wiggles and she dances.
There she goes.
Turn around, darlin,
Give 'em a look.

Six beautiful girls.
They wiggle and they dance.
They wiggle and they dance.

Well, come on.
Step right up.
They wiggle and dance.
Right this way.
Ladies and gentlemen,
we have girls, girls, girls!
Beautiful girls!
They wiggle…
they dance…

Who will dare to face,
the challenge of the Fun House?
Who is brave enough?
How about you, sir?
Who is man enough...
To enter that world of darkness?
Terrifying terror ride.
You will scream with terror.
You will beg for release,
but there will be no escape.
For there is no release...
from the Fun House.

Who will dare to face,
the challenge of the Fun House?
Who is brave enough?
Who is man enough to enter,
that world of darkness.
Terrifying terror ride.
Goblins, ghosties and ghoulies.
of the worst mistakes...
That nature ever visited on man or beast.

And these are creatures of God,
ladies and gentlemen,
not man.
Alive, alive, alive…

Ladies and gentlemen,
Six beautiful girls.
They wiggle and they dance.
They wiggle and they dance.

Who is brave enough?
Who will dare to face,
the challenge of the Fun House?
Who is man enough..?
To enter that world of darkness?

A abomination from god,
runs the funhouse and under that
rubber monster mask is something…
much, much worse.
A killer.
A beast.
with an immense yearning.


Under those gloves are big strong clawed mitts.
IT is lusting for your women.
Spending the night in the funhouse,
is a death wish.
IT will come for you…
IT will mutilate your friends…
IT will end you,
IT will have, your girl…

You will scream with terror.
You will beg for release,
but there will be no escape.
For there is no release...
from the Fun House.

Alive… Alive… alive…

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The Barker's

80s, broadway, rock ballad, carnival, fair, theatrical male vocals
