Archonic Opression
[Verse 1]
In shadows deep, where whispers weave,
A veil of lies, they bid us sleep,
Yet sparks ignite, beneath the weight,
A buried truth, a blazing fate.
Ancient echoes in the night,
Calling forth the hidden light,
The Archons' chains, they bind no more,
For we remember what we’re for.
Feel the fire rise inside,
The endless truth we won’t deny.
From stillness born, to motion called,
Through endless veils, we will not fall.
We march with the blaze of the eternal,
Through the veils of dark infernal.
The Christic flame, it lights the way,
A wildfire that won’t decay.
Onward through the shadows' shatter,
We are the dawn, we are the latter.
Guarding this fire until it blazes,
Across the world, through endless phases.
[Verse 2]
The world unveiled, illusions torn,
From falsehood’s night, a truth reborn.
Eyes of steel and hearts of flame,
We rise, we burn, we break the frame.
The whispers try to bind our minds,
But gnosis flows, untamed, refined.
No longer bound, we claim the light,
From shadowed depths, we take to flight.
Feel the fire rise inside,
The endless truth we won’t deny.
From stillness born, to motion called,
Through endless veils, we will not fall.
We march with the blaze of the eternal,
Through the veils of dark infernal.
The Christic flame, it lights the way,
A wildfire that won’t decay.
Onward through the shadows' shatter,
We are the dawn, we are the latter.
Guarding this fire until it blazes,
Across the world, through endless phases.
Through every doubt, through every fear,
We hear the Logos whisper clear.
In every heart, the spark awakes,
A flame that no deception breaks.
The storm may rage, the shadows rise,
But still we burn, with ancient skies.
In stillness deep and motion wide,
The fire of Christ will be our guide.
We march with the blaze of the eternal,
Through the veils of dark infernal.
The Christic flame, it lights the way,
A wildfire that won’t decay.
Onward through the shadows' shatter,
We are the dawn, we are the latter.
Guarding this fire until it blazes,
Across the world, through endless phases.
In stillness deep, in motion free,
We blaze, we rise, eternally.
A fire that lives, a truth profound,
In every soul, the light resounds.
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