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Dan's tash

Hip hop


Yo, Tash, listen up, I got somethin' to say,
Why the fuck, you gotta piss people off every day?

We out here bustin’ our ass to make ends meet,
While you dive onto the bed, spreading your legs on live feed.

Them fake-ass tears don’t fool no one, you trick,
You and Jack can go suck on some other soyboys dick.

You ain’t changin' shit, you ain't got the balls,
We eatin’ steak and chuggin’ beer and answerin' real calls.

Go Cry me a river, you got no love here,
Your a fuckin'g joke, made your life a smear.
Cry me a river, you ain’t savin’ shit,
Get the fuck out, this ain’t your fit!

Hard work? B , You ain't got a clue,
Posin' topless, thinkin’ that’s the truth?
You say your all about savin' species? Stop with the crap,
You ain’t done shit for our wildlife, that's a wrap.

Crown Casino told you both to “get lost,”
They didn’t want your coin being pushed in to their slots.
Now Jacks sittin’ at home, in tutu and tears,
No birthday bash, just laughs from peers.

Cry me a river, but don't expect grace,
You ain't welcome here this ain’t your place.
Cry me a river, nobody's here to clap,[
Just take your sh** and shut the trap.

Yo1u talkin' to kids? That’s twisted, no doubt,
But you got rich off f***in' and shoutin' it out.
Is that the legacy you plan to build?
Your kids watchin' tapes of mommy gettin' thrilled?

You killed the bees, dried up the honey pot,
‘Cause all you care about is gettin' what’s hot.
Cry me a river, you ain't no queen,
Time to vanish from this goddamn scene!

Cry me a river, you OnlyFans slut,
Nobody here’s buyin’ your trashy cut.
Cry me a river, we done with your bluff,
Get the f out, enough is enough!


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Dan's tash

Hip hop
