No just in justice
Soul metal with funky bass, electric guitar, epic drums, raw vocalsLyrics
So let's discuss this
the just in justice,
In a word we trust
but the system busts us.
The gavel is a hammer
but it’s rarely just.
This Lust for power
it’s dust to dust,
They adjust the scales,
tip ‘em up to crush us,
Promoting fairness,
in a rush to hush us.
I demand take a stand
In a call to justice
Exposing all the crack
in the misplaced trust.
Where’s the just in justice
When it's laced with lust
Greed feeds the need
when the lies adjust?
No peace, just pieces,
they leave us hushed,
The just in justice
It is barely touched.
Courts distort,
they abort what’s right,
Report the lies,
then they fight the light.
Blindfold tight
but it’s clear as day
The game they play
makes the truth decay.
They crush the weak,
let the strong combust,
Trust the sheep,
then claim it’s just.
Discuss of reforms
but the rust runs deep,
Promises cheap,
while the people weep.
Adjust this picture
Let's make it clean,
It's all just a smokescreen
for the in-between
Trust is a dream
in the scheme they thrust
The just in justice
is a theme of dust.
Where’s the just in justice
When it's laced with lust
Greed feeds the need
when the lies adjust?
No peace, just pieces,
they leave us hushed,
The just in justice
It is barely touched.
So we must discuss
make it known robust
Expose the rust
To rebuild the trust.
Till the just in justice is truly us,
We gotta stand tall,
and make Just a must.
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