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Piece of shit

Hip hop, sad, eerie music , violin , bass, cinematic


Corruption runs deep,
it’s a fucking disease
a disease that infected me
it’s infected society
taken over entirely
this ain’t an alternate
this is actual reality
that’s re wired me
the real me under lock and key
don’t believe in the devil yet
wait till you see what I’ve seen
soon you’ll start believing conspiracies
the Devil raised me,
im a virus in the system
im the system overload
that got the matrix glitching
the untold story
of a walking contradiction
your in the devils playground
this is his jurisdiction
this is his vacinity
got his dick all up in the holy trinity
now bow down, motherfucker, you're lookin' at infamy.

I'm a monster, a heartless piece of shit
guilty of the crimes the devil forced me to commit
do u really think the devils just a fucking myth
fuck! think what u like I don’t give a shit
you think all those stories are just to scare kids
you think religion and demons are just for theatrics
or it’s to control the population with fear antics
you think the devils just for fanatics
what the fuck makes you so fantastic ?
think your the shit ?
listen here fuck wit !
that pedastool you put urself on really makes u look like a dick
if that’s your aim
then you’ve come well equipped

time to speak truths before I confront all the souls whome i brought pain
ultimatums with the devil, a game I had to play
Seen newborns snuffed like it’s a cruel game
all that tortured innocence died in vain
in the name of Satan there blood was slayne

it’s time to expose their agenda and deception
to change your whole world view and perception
clear up any misconceptions
answer any of your questions
here's the ledger, with the names, the dates, and addresses
with videos pictures and all the messages
of all those in question
maybe u could finally tell the parents and relieve them of their stresses
i think that they need the closure
to finally lay their kids to rest
the fact your kids and I never crossed paths means your blessed
can’t trust no these days even wolves can get dressed
the things people do for money is reckless
the right price would even have you tempted

see I ain’t a monster, im just like you
driving towards the same dead end as you
I breathe the same air that you do
you think I didn’t have potential too
I bleed just as much if not more than you

this ain’t a suicide note it's my final declaration
Against the suffocating silence, the brutal violation.
a chance for you to find salvation
before you spend eternity in damnation
Maybe there's forgiveness, on the other side
Maybe there's a place where I can finally hide
these demons chase me, day and night
Maybe this bullet will make things right
got to find an exit to this prison in my mind

I'm a monster, a heartless piece of shit
guilty of the crimes the devil forced me to commit
you really think the devils just a fucking myth
that it’s just some story they tell to scare little kids
fuck think what you like I don’t give a shit

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Piece of shit

Hip hop, sad, eerie music , violin , bass, cinematic
