Jazz saxophone trombone OperaLyrics
Saxophone, saxophone,
Can I have a hacker phone?
Trump bone, where is my bone?
Play that jazzy, funky tone!
In the city, lights are flashing,
Got my sax, the vibe is smashing,
Hear that melody in the air,
A little rhythm, take me there.
Scrolling through my feed tonight,
Hacker phone, let’s make it right,
While the world spins hot and cold,
Where’s my truth, where’s my gold?
Saxophone, blow that sound,
Hacker phone, I’m internet bound,
Trump bone, lost in the zone,
Give me the beat, I’ll make it my own.
In the alley where the cool kids play,
Saxophone, take me away,
News is buzzing, echoes and moans,
What’s the scoop, where’s my bone?
Whispers in the shadows, secrets unfold,
Digital dreams in stories told,
Sipping coffee while the world’s in a drift,
Hacking life, making it swift.
Saxophone, blow that sound,
Hacker phone, I’m internet bound,
Trump bone, lost in the zone,
Give me the beat, I’ll make it my own.
Can you feel it, the sax on fire?
From the streets to the wire,
Hacker vibes in a saxophone tune,
Let’s dance under the digital moon.
Tell me, tell me, where’s the hype?
Flipping the script, it’s time to type,
From politics to the jazzy tones,
I’ll find my voice, I’ll find my throne.
Saxophone, blow that sound,
Hacker phone, I’m internet bound,
Trump bone, lost in the zone,
Give me the beat, I’ll make it my own.
Saxophone, saxophone,
The night is young, I’m not alone,
Trump bone, I’ll find my way,
In a world where the music stays.
Saxophone, saxophone,
Keep it jazzy, don’t forget the tone!
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