Life Lessons
country popLyrics
Just Move 2 Rise
Hey Dessy
Hey Emmy
Hey Hopers
HEY Faith
Listen for a second ok.
I want you to always be those amazing little girls that I remember
an dont be mean to each other
you gotta stick together.
Never quit
Never give up
you gotta give it all you've got in every endeavour
never lose those incredible personalities
know that your great no matter what anyone may say
So have no doubt about your worth
Don't go back and fourth
Cuz you deserve the best
Nothing less
I never want you to have insecurities
or settle for just scraping by with the necessities
be strong don't be like me an let your disabilities be your identities
You gotta dream big
You gotta know what you want
Once you do never stop trying get go it
Go after it with all you've got to give
For As long as you live
And you'll never have to deal with the pain of those regrets
I don't want you carry any hate.
so let go of any resentments
Be dependable
an always make sure you forgive
be loyal and make sure your friends are too
don't hesitate to move on from a anyone that doesn't give as much to the friendship as you do.
You don't have to be hateful, it'll lead you no place. It's less painful to be grateful faithful amd hopeful
don't smoke cigarettes
I promise you it's not worth it
an no matter how hard life may get
please never do drugs
they only seem to help initially
But can destroy your life completely
stay strong mentally and physically you'll live a much better life significantly
don't be afraid to ask for help.
Don't hide your pain away in stealth.
And please know that you don't have to just play the hand you where felt
You can do absolutely anything
The hardest thing might actually be making that decision
Try not to rebel to bad
Respect authority
But be firm knowing your rights and be direct with respect
an make sure you do right by others
be honest kind and respectful
and never let anyone treat you other wise
It's very important and very valuable
On this life
That people can trust what you say.
To be trusted is one of most important things in life
So earn it keep it and don't give it away like its nothing
Look people in the eyes when you speak to them.
That way they know you that you care what they have to say and that they matter
And pay close attention to peoples Body language
We all say far more than we want to say without words
help others when you can
But don't be afraid to say no if you can't
stay true to you
your morals and values will guide you through
And no matter what you do. Please protect your peace
You have to look after #1. Thats you if you truly want to help anyone.
Because if your not at your best you may not be able to give them anything
Last thing don't believe everything you hear about me
most will be untrue
Some well, some might be all too true.
babies please know how much you are loved.
Love you so so so much.
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