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Burnin down to flames

hip hop, violin, g minor key, confident female, original, creative, slow & fast, avant garde, epic


[70bpm, original rap flow]
[voice 1: female]To the M-I prrrrrrr, cat like a sem i
Cappin dude wanna steal my style, but can't do mine
Give yo’ ass black eyes
u need to say bye-bye
I’ma bout 2 move ya body to the sky
ill Run through your clique
mistw, you pissed, don’t trip or
I’ma have to bust you in them lips
And you dips better have a whole lotta chips
‘Cause I ain’t listenin no cappa givin’ tips
[voice 2: male]She’s a bitch!
[voice 1: female]When you say my name
Talk all yo’ junk, betcha won’t look my way
[voice 2: male]She’s a bitch!
[voice 1: female]see I got more mun neee
So back up bruh, or c me roll up my sleeve
[voice 2: male]She’s a bitch!
[voice 1: female]maybe! but u can’t see me, tho!
just keep on frownin, seethe ova my flow [voice 2: male]She’s a bitch!
[voice 1: female]hah yes im THAAT bitch,
Watch me do my thang
i Got the place on fire, burninit down ta flames
Roll up in my car, no eyes, no chase
I'ma ride this rhythm your time's erased
Heat in my voice, settin night to flame
Grip a Philly tight, watch the smoke take aim
Whatcha talk? Whatcha say? Huh?
Gotta flow, let it loose, take it slow, huh?
Better keep movin', head for the door, huh?
you’ll fade in the dust, lost soul, whatcha say?
Yippe yi yo, yippe yi yi yay
Spotlight on me, eyes green with envay
What thaa talk? Whatcha say? Huh?
Gotta flow, let it loose, take it slow, huh?
Better keep movin', headn for the door, huh?
you gon fade in the dust, lost soul, whatcha say?
Yippe yi yo, yippe yi yi yay
Spotlight on me, eyes green with envay
Lay my words down deep, let 'em burn all day
Go yippe yi yo, yippe yi yi yay
make em feel something hot,, let 'em burn all day
Go yippe yi yo, yippe yi yi yay
55, 65, hike
75, 85, test the mic
95, livin legend wild for the night
105, I’ma keep the crowd hyped
What? What? What?
Whatcha know bout me the epitomeee, lemme know
Eata dusty MC they Micky Ds, lemme know
If he get too high lean on me, lemme know
bout to bust like i gottsta pee, i let it go
Anybody know my skills, what the deal?
Anybody know i body dudes, a bitch so real
Anybody brave enough to dance with the steel?
Step to me, watch your whole frame start to peel
(chorus x3)
Feel that beat? Yeah, can you feel?
Who knows my style? Sealed like steel
Who sees these skills, raw and real?
Think they can touch this—watch ’em reel

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Burnin down to flames

hip hop, violin, g minor key, confident female, original, creative, slow & fast, avant garde, epic
