Skully gone wild
Trap, metal, synth wave, drum and bass,, future bass, percussion, harmony vocals, trap metalLyrics
Got it! Here’s the version with more humor mixed into Skully’s wild, reckless lifestyle, while keeping the intensity:
“Skully’s Skeleton Show”
Yeah, it’s Skully, bones crackin’, never lackin’,
Popped out the grave just to get shit crackin’.
Snortin’ lines off a tombstone, grab a demon, let’s go,
Welcome to the fuckin’ Skully Show!
(Verse 1)
I’m Skully the skeleton, straight outta hell,
High as a kite, if you couldn’t tell.
Coke in my skull, heroin on tap,
I’m more fucked up than your mom’s Google Maps.
Drive-by in a hearse, demons hangin’ out the ride,
Shot a couple rounds, just to feel alive.
Laughin’ like crazy, bones rattlin’ loud,
Did a burnout in flames, watchin’ demons get proud.
I hit the gas, threw a grenade for fun,
Blew up the gas station, guess I’m on the run.
Bones for brains, but I don’t need to think,
Pulled over for a piss, then snorted off the sink.
Coke in my nose, heroin in my bones,
I’m a dead man ridin’, on a drug-fueled throne.
Drive-bys, sex, demons screamin’ loud,
Skully gone mad, makin’ death so proud!
Bang, bang, bullets flyin’ high,
Doin’ drugs till the day I die!
(Verse 2)
Demon girls love me, even though I’m dead,
Said I’ve got the best bones they ever spread.
We hit it in the fire, while I snort some blow,
My skull popped off, but she kept the show!
We fuck like demons, crash through the floor,
Bones flyin’ everywhere, scream for more.
I’m shootin’ up heroin while she rides,
Who knew bein’ dead had perks on the side?
Pulled out the Glock, shot a pumpkin in the yard,
Demon girls laughin’, life’s never been this hard.
Flipped the hearse over, just for kicks,
But I don’t give a fuck, I’m still lit as shit!
Coke in my nose, heroin in my bones,
I’m a dead man ridin’, on a drug-fueled throne.
Drive-bys, sex, demons screamin’ loud,
Skully gone mad, makin’ death so proud!
Bang, bang, bullets flyin’ high,
Doin’ drugs till the day I die!
I’m on speed, blow, heroin, and crack,
Runnin’ through hell with a demon on my back.
Did a drive-by at Satan’s house,
Shot the devil’s car, then banged his spouse.
Took a wrong turn, ended up in space,
Now I’m snortin’ moon dust, keepin’ the pace.
Laughin’ at gravity, floatin’ away,
If I come back down, it won’t be today!
(Verse 3)
I’m Skully the king, cocaine in my brain,
Too high to feel, too dead for pain.
Got a hundred demon chicks all in a row,
But I ghosted them all ‘cause I’m Skully, you know?
Flew off a cliff, then landed in flames,
Still lit a blunt, laughed at the game.
I’m dead but I’m livin’, got no fucks to give,
I’m the king of chaos, this is how I live!
Coke in my nose, heroin in my bones,
I’m a dead man ridin’, on a drug-fueled throne.
Drive-bys, sex, demons screamin’ loud,
Skully gone mad, makin’ death so proud!
Bang, bang, bullets flyin’ high,
Doin’ drugs till the day I die!
Yeah, I’m Skully, the dead rockstar,
Snortin’ up clouds while I steal your car.
Guns, girls, drugs, and dough,
Welcome to my crazy fuckin
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Skully gone wild
Trap, metal, synth wave, drum and bass,, future bass, percussion, harmony vocals, trap metal