Wonky, goofyLyrics
In the corner, she’s a queen,
A fancy little feline, living the dream,
Her two-toned face, stripes of black and white,
Marilyn’s my cat, oh what a sight.
She’s a small, pretty little kitty with a purr so sweet,
Licks the plastic bags, oh it’s her favorite treat,
At 3 AM, there’s no doubt, she’s on a mission,
Digging for potatoes, oh, what a vision.
Oh Marilyn, you little whirlwind,
Painting the night with the chaos you bring,
Your tiny paws dance, with a touch of grace,
Small pretty kitty with the two-toned face.
Ears perked up, she’s a stealthy little spy,
Elongated for shrimp, oh I watch her fly by,
Tensor bandage, her toy of choice,
Plush candle hat making her rejoice.
Oh Marilyn, you little whirlwind,
Painting the night with the chaos you bring,
Your tiny paws dance, with a touch of grace,
Small pretty kitty with the two-toned face.
Stresses over shadows, that sneaky little bluff,
Hits the wall, falls down, but she’s still so tough.
Scratching at the glass, plants are in her sight,
With every little thud, she puts up a fight.
Marilyn, you’re magic, you light up the room,
With your quirky ways, you vanish all gloom,
From the depths of the night to the bright of the day,
You’re my little shadow, come what may.
Oh Marilyn, you little whirlwind,
Painting the night with the chaos you bring,
Your tiny paws dance, with a touch of grace,
Small pretty kitty with the two-toned face.
So here’s to you, my feline delight,
With a licketty lick, you make everything right,
In this crazy world, you’re the softest embrace,
My small pretty kitty with the two-toned face.
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