4 minds 4 moves
Drill trap hiphopLyrics
"Eenie Meenie Minie & Mo (The Battle)" 🎯🔥
(Theme: Four Minds, Four Moves
[Intro: Host]
Four man step, four ways to go,
One wrong move? Who’s taking control?
You say you’re smart, but who really knows?
Step to the mic—show us your flow!
[Verse 1: Eenie - The Reckless One]
Look—man don’t wait, I just take my chance,
Life moves fast, gotta grab that bag!
Sitting and thinking? That’s dead man plans,
See what I want? I’m taking that fast!
Man like Mo just move too slow,
Talking ‘bout “patience,” but where’s his dough?
I made racks in a day, took risks, went bold,
Man, you’re still sat there counting your notes!
[Verse 2: Mo - The Strategist]
Eenie, bro, I’ve watched you move,
You jump too quick, you ain't got no proof.
You saw a bag, you ain't checked that move,
Now your name’s in the system, face on the news.
Patience, bruv, that’s how man wins,
Watch how I stack while you chase quick flips.
Yeah, I move slow, but I don’t take L’s,
While you risk it all? I just build.
[Verse 3: Meenie - The Wildcard]
Both of you chat, but I move best,
Ain’t got plans, but I still finesse.
Jump on a move? I don't check,
Might hit, might miss—who’s next?
Eenie too dumb, Mo too tight,
Minie still thinking, man, just ride!
I took shots, took risks, took flights,
Sometimes I win, sometimes I fight!
[Verse 4: Minie - The Cautious One]
Nah, nah, you lot don’t rate this game,
Seen too many fall chasing fame.
Me? I watch, I learn, I wait,
Then I move—calm, collected, straight.
Eenie got caught, Meenie got trapped,
Mo made cash, but his time moves mad.
Me? I stay ghost, stay low, stay stacked,
When the smoke clears, I’m the one that lasts.
[Chorus: Group]
Eenie, meenie, minie… and Mo,
Four ways out, but which way do we go?
One moves fast, one moves slow,
One takes risks, one stays low.
Eenie, meenie, minie… that’s luck,
But Mo don’t move till the plan gets tough.
Some take chances, some take notes,
One wrong step, now the game’s all froze.
[Outro: Host]
Alright, alright, who’s really right?
One man moves, one man thinks,
One man jumps, one man blinks…
But who’s really winning this thing?
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