Hollywood legends
Jazz, violin, banjo, disco, saxophoneLyrics
Oh, Hollywood dreams and the silver screen,
Where stars were born and legends gleamed,
In the land of glamour, where tales unfold,
Let me take you back to the stories of old.
Cary Grant with a charming smile,
A British icon with style and guile,
He danced through life with that suave allure,
In every role, we knew he’d endure.
James Cagney, the tough-guy king,
With a laugh and a scowl, he’d make the heart sing,
Humphrey Bogart, a face of grit,
In a trench coat and fedora, he’d never quit.
From the shadows of the past, they still shine bright,
Legends of Hollywood, lighting the night,
Clark Gable said, "I don’t give a damn,"
While Bing Crosby crooned, oh, he did it grand.
With a big nose and a smile that’ll toast,
Jimmy Durante and Ned Sparks, the grumpy host.
The glamour, the glitz, it all took flight,
On those old streets where dreams ignited,
Cary was witty, he’d steal our hearts,
In every film, he played all the parts.
James and Bogart, a story so bold,
With grit and tenacity, their tales retold,
And Clark, oh Clark, with that sparkling charm,
Captivated millions, his presence a balm.
From the shadows of the past, they still shine bright,
Legends of Hollywood, lighting the night,
Clark Gable said, "I don’t give a damn,"
While Bing Crosby crooned, oh, he did it grand.
With a big nose and a smile that’ll toast,
Jimmy Durante and Ned Sparks, the grumpy host.
So raise your glass to the timeless few,
To the heart and soul that brought us through,
Each laugh and tear, the stories entwined,
In the golden age, their legacy shined.
The echoes of laughter, the flickers on screen,
A tribute to the legends we’ve always seen,
Bing’s sweet serenade, it’ll never fade,
While Jimmy’s antics still make us laugh and parade.
Ned Sparks scowling, but oh
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