Sirens curse
electro, trap metal, phonk, real metal bass, , alternativeLyrics
[Verse 1]
She’s a fucking nightmare wrapped in leather and lace
A devil in disguise with that toxic face
Got you by the balls, yeah, you’re stuck in her web
Beggin’ for mercy, but you’re already dead
She’s got your heart in her goddamn claws
Sucks you dry, spits you out, no fs for your loss
She’ll rip you apart, just for fun
But you’re too fucking dumb to see what she’s done
She’s a siren, fucking with your mind
You’re just a damn pawn, she’s one of a kind
Chained to her chaos, can’t get free
Drowning in her filthy melody
She’s pulling you in, like a fing drug
Drown in her, you’re fucking stuck Intoxicating, got you weak at the knees
She’ll fuck you up, and you’ll still say please
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
[Verse 2]
Her eyes are the fucking devil, they’ll burn you alive
But you chase that fire, just to feel alive
She’s poison in your veins, a curse on your soul
But the more she takes, the deeper you fall
She’ll chew you up and spit you out with a
Sick fucking grin, while you scream and shout
You thought you were strong, thought you had control
Now you’re her bitch, she’s owning your soul
She’s a siren, fucking with your mind
You’re just a pawn, she’s one of a kind
Chained to her chaos, can’t get free
Drowning in her filthy melody
She’s pulling you in, like a fuckin’ drug
Drown in her you’re fucking stuck Intoxicating, got you weak at the knees
She’ll fuck you up, and you’ll still say please
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Her claws dig deep, right through your chest
But you’re so fed up, you think it’s the best
She’ll own your body, fucking with your head
Make you wish you were already dead
(Trap Metal Breakdown)
Screams echo, lost in her game
She’ll tear you apart, no shame, no name
She’s the devil’s daughter, fing beast
You’re just the meat for her fing feast
She’s pulling you in, like a fing drug
Drown in her, you’re fucking stuck
Intoxicating, got you weak at the knees
She’ll fuck you up, and you’ll still say please
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Her curse is real, and you can’t escape
You’re trapped in her hell, it’s too fing late
You’re broken and used, but you beg for more
She’s the fing demon that you adore
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah…
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