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Cocky 2

rock, rap


Guess who's back
Cody Jordans Back
I used to be broke
No joke
Got used
Smoked dope
Paid dues
To give up quick
Now there's ten million motherfuckers on my dick
Sold what
Say how
Say who
Fuck what
Fuck me
Fuck you
Come clean
You know I will drink a fifth of Jim Beam
And still stand still
I'm the illest fool
Cooler than the water in a swimming pool
Fly like a seagull kickin' like a mule
More jams than a Beatle from Liverpool
I deliver fool
No who the fuck are you
I'm Cody motherfuckin' Jordan from the old school
Got more money than Matchbox twenty
Get more ass than Mark McGrath
They say I'm cocky and I say what
It ain't braggin' motherfucker if you back it up
They say I'm cocky and I say what
It ain't braggin' motherfucker if you back it up
I'm from the outskirts of Big D Grand Prairie
Pearl Snaps f150s,Big asses
Fat models you can keep those
I like skinny texas hos
Don't you know
Talk fast
Pimp slow
Show up to black ties in t-shirts and slippers
Sippin' liquor, fuck models love strippers
Known as the big tipper with the big dipper
I got queens holding keys to my zipper
Fuck a real good girl
I've got the baddest bitch in the world
They say I'm cocky and I say what
It ain't braggin' motherfucker if you back it up
They say I'm cocky and I say what
It ain't braggin' motherfucker if you back it up
You think you got it good in Hollywood
I got acres of land laid back in the woods
Holdin' shares cool like Fonzie
Rollin' Lake Conroe my forty foot Donzie
You got a Bentley Wow
I got jets with wet bars
And trucks with gold plows
Bitch bow when I pimp through
For Cody, the Jordan the Red, White and Blue
Who knew the Kid would be
Everything from old George straight to Mike Jones
Baby I'm sick of getting ripped off
So pissed about to be pissed off
Mackin' me coz you know I'm payed
That's why I'm slappin' my gardners, and fuckin' my maids
Never mind my age but if we're taking numbers
Fifteen million sold motherfucker
They say I'm cocky and I say what
It ain't braggin' motherfucker if you back it up
They say I'm cocky and I say what
It ain't braggin' motherfucker if you back it up
Cocky and I say what
It ain't braggin' motherfucker if you back it up
They say I'm cocky and I say what
It ain't braggin' motherfucker if you back it up

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Cocky 2

rock, rap
