“Say It Loud”
Style [Alternative Rock beats deep bass, soulful samples w/ an upbeat rhythm likely w/drums & guitar] to motivate others 2 feel Confident in Being able 2 communicate effectively in ALL relationshipsLyrics
(Ayy, yeah, listen)
(We talk every day, but do we really say what we mean?)
(It ain’t just words, it’s connection, it’s real)
(If we don’t speak, how we supposed to heal?)
(One time for the ones who hold it in)
(Two times for the ones afraid to begin)
(Three times for the ones who need to be heard)
(Communication ain’t just words)
[Verse 1]
Talk ain’t cheap when it come from the soul
A real convo got the power to make broken things whole
See, silence is deadly when the weight’s on your chest
And they can’t help you out if you keep it suppressed
It’s the way that you look, the way that you move
The space in between when you step out the room
We don’t need a loud voice, we just need to be clear
Say what you feel, don’t just let it disappear
(Ayy) You ever held back when you needed to talk?
(Ayy) Kept your pain locked, never let it walk?
(Ayy) What if they listened? What if they cared?
(Ayy) But they can’t help if they don’t know it’s there
Say it loud, say it clear
Let me know what’s real right here
I can’t guess what’s on your mind
If you don’t speak, I stay blind
It ain’t just words, it’s how we grow
If we don’t talk, how we gon’ know?
Say it loud, say it true
Communication starts with you
[Verse 2]
Think about love, think about pain
Think about words left stuck in your brain
Think about fights that you wish you could fix
But pride held you back, now the feeling still sits
It’s the text you delete, the call you don’t make
It’s the message you type but you never press “send”
It’s the hug that you need, but you push it away
When the walls get too high, we the ones in the way
[Bridge 1]
(Ayy) Verbal, non-verbal, look in my eyes
(Ayy) Energy shiftin’, no need for disguise
(Ayy) Body talk loud, even silence can scream
(Ayy) So say what you mean, don’t just sit in between
[Chorus - Reprise]
Say it loud, say it clear
Let me know what’s real right here
I can’t guess what’s on your mind
If you don’t speak, I stay blind
It ain’t just words, it’s how we grow
If we don’t talk, how we gon’ know?
Say it loud, say it true
Communication starts with you
[Verse 3]
I’ve seen friendships fade, I’ve seen love turn cold
All ‘cause they never said what needed to be told
I’ve seen brothers hold grudges for years in their chest
When one convo could’ve laid it to rest
I’ve seen pain turn to anger, then anger to fights
All ‘cause they bottled what they felt inside
So before you let silence break what you love
Speak your truth, let ‘em know what’s up
[Bridge 2]
(Ayy) Listen first, don’t just react
(Ayy) Words cut deep, you can’t take ‘em back
(Ayy) If you hold it inside, it just turns into chains
(Ayy) But if you let it out, you can heal the pain
[Chorus - Final Refrain]
Say it loud, say it clear
Let me know what’s real right here
I can’t guess what’s on your mind
If you don’t speak, I stay blind
It a
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“Say It Loud”
Style [Alternative Rock beats deep bass, soulful samples w/ an upbeat rhythm likely w/drums & guitar] to motivate others 2 feel Confident in Being able 2 communicate effectively in ALL relationships