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Joey Somewon

soundtrack, pop


(Verse 1)
There’s a guy down at the corner, graveyard shift,
Joey’s his name, with a Ken doll lift.
Half Korean, half wild and insane,
Plays patty cake like a boy, with no shame.
Spits in the air, catches it with a grin,
He’s got a routine, but never the same spin.
The stories he tells, they’re sharper each night,
A gas station stage under flickering light.

Joey screams into the night, echoes fly afar,
He’s raw, he’s wild, like a midnight star.
Makes you squirm, but it’s all in fun,
He’s a hit with the ladies, yeah, he’s number one.
There’s a lesson here, for us all,
Be stupid, stand tall, and answer the call.

(Verse 2)
He’s got the boys playing games in the lot,
Making them laugh with every wild shot.
Tells tales of ghosts and cars that don’t stop,
Every shift, a new chapter on the block.
With his half-crazy grin, makes you feel alive,
In the madness of night, that’s how Joey thrives.
He’ll make you uneasy, but it’s all for the thrill,
Joey’s got the late-night vibe to kill.

Joey screams into the night, echoes fly afar,
He’s raw, he’s wild, like a midnight star.
Makes you squirm, but it’s all in fun,
He’s a hit with the ladies, yeah, he’s number one.
There’s a lesson here, for us all,
Be stupid, stand tall, and answer the call.

He’s got that spit-fire style, like a kid in the game,
No filter, no fear, just livin’ insane.
From the dark corners to the neon glow,
Joey’s the king of the late-night show.

Joey screams into the night, echoes fly afar,
He’s raw, he’s wild, like a midnight star.
Makes you squirm, but it’s all in fun,
He’s a hit with the ladies, yeah, he’s number one.
There’s a lesson here, for us all,
Be stupid, stand tall, and answer the call.

So here’s to Joey, crazy and free,
Living life like it’s meant to be.
In the still of the night, under gas station light,
Joey stands tall, in his own wild fight.

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Joey Somewon

soundtrack, pop
