A new song
Hip-hop, didgeridooLyrics
From Brisbane to Melbourne, Darwin to Perth
Across this wide big continent we know it as God's earth.
Today people across this nation stand tall and stand as one
Together we forge our destiny, we are AUSTRALIAN!
Now every country has its problems, we're not immune it's true.
But this is Australia, we work hard, we find a way, we see the problem through.
There is no country like ours, we must be proud of who we are.
Asylum seeker, immigrant, original first nations we have all come so far.
Like a child who's young and has barely learned to walk.
It stumbles and wobbles along it's way, still learning how to talk.
That's where we are today, this country still so young.
Be at peace, There are good days ahead, new songs yet to be sung.
But we all must come together, division will not stand.
Black, white, brown and red we all should love this land.
Hatred doesn't build a thing, hatred ruins what could be.
Hatred leaves a legacy of death, and that's not you and me.
We live in this land together, we must build it now as one.
We can't change what happened yesterday, what's happened now is done.
But we can look to tomorrow, we can together forge ahead.
We can make this land the envy of all, a country where hope is not dead.
The past we have, yes it was pretty dark grave errors cannot be denied.
But we must not let the past dictate tomorrow we must learn from the years that cried.
The past is part of our history, the good, the bad and the wrong.
We must never return to segregation, we did that for far too long.
Australia we are at a place where it's time to walk on our own.
The baby that was stumbling is now an adult, it has grown.
It's time to say to the commonwealth, thankyou, good riddance and good night.
And time for our own people to walk into the light.
Let's all now come together, no matter the colour of your skin.
Let's build this nation as one starting now, lift up your eyes their is a prize to win.
And that prize is unity where as as one we share the goal.
Of building the greatest nation on earth, body, heart, mind and soul.
Happy Australia day my awesome Aussie family!
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