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A Siren’s Boredom

Ethereal, shanty, female vocal, choir, vocal harmony


an echo rings across the caverns,
as a siren brings the sailor near with songs she loves to sing,
spiders crawl around the cave,
spinning webs of misplaced hate,
as the siren eats her prey while he’s alive…
and so he screams…
for his life he pleads…
but on she feasts…
blood drips from between her sharpened teeth,
stained with the life of those cursed by the seas…
and the song continues on as a sailor weeps…
and the music masks this haunting murder scene…
the siren hums a tune familiar,
drawing the spirit of an ever broken soul…
roaming on the deck in distress and freezing cold,
while the captains in his quarters with a whore he holds so close…
and on goes the story,
of a twisted sister’s tune,
as the smoke begins to drift out of a lonely stoner’s groove…
the siren grabs attention with a haunting melody,
and the balance between life and death becomes askew from the clarity…
dying inside slowly as the siren chews my soul,
swallowing my demons while devouring me whole…
and I know that I will die, within a lifeless body’s home,
and the haunting sound of sirens sing,
as I lay to eternal sleep,
and I find myself, falling to the floor,
you’re so fucking high, how’s it feel to be in front of the Lord…
bet you’ll go beggin’ for a psych ward…
because you just love security of locked doors…
and the siren she goes on and on, echoing my truth,
if I so shall swallow this, you shall eat it too,
the shit you shove in others face,
bragging like you do,
you should know that happiness, is not a card we dealt to you…

woah ooo woah…
oh no no,
it’s just the way, it, goes…
woah ooo woah…
down with the sailors, ‘fore the sirens swim below…

woah ooo woah…
down with the sailors, ‘fore the ocean’s become my home…
down with the sailors, as her wrath becomes their world…

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A Siren’s Boredom

Ethereal, shanty, female vocal, choir, vocal harmony
