Stop Zelensky stop
Oh, President Zelensky,
What’s the price of this game?
You chase the winds of war,
But who’s to take the blame?
You come to the land of the brave,
With pockets lined in gold,
But how do you sleep at night,
When your values feel so cold?
They call you a leader, but can you see?
The chains you’ve forged don’t set us free.
Your voice is loud but the truth is thin,
How do you wear that crooked grin?
Hey, Zelensky, tell me what you’ve done,
You’re holding out your hand,
But we see the shadows run.
With every heart you steal,
And every lie you weave,
The fight for freedom’s real,
But you’re losing what we believe.
Democracy’s your battle cry,
Yet you silence dissent,
You arrest those who dare to ask,
Where did the honor went?
The church is hushed, the media tamed,
Is this the price of freedom gained?
Puppets dance and you’re the star,
But the string-pullers won't take you far.
Hey, Zelensky, tell me what you’ve done,
You’re holding out your hand,
But we see the shadows run.
With every heart you steal,
And every lie you weave,
The fight for freedom’s real,
But you’re losing what we believe.
In the halls of power, truth gets buried deep,
While your countrymen are crying, they can’t even sleep.
You strut and you beg with no sense of shame,
A war for profit, is this your game?
Hey, Zelensky, tell me what you’ve done,
You’re holding out your hand,
But we see the shadows run.
With every heart you steal,
And every lie you weave,
The fight for freedom’s real,
But you’re losing what we believe.
So, President Zelensky, take a look around,
It’s not just your war, it’s a deafening sound.
The cries of the people, they echo in despair,
No honor
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