The Throne
Oh, here we go again,
The saga of the throne,
A battle I can't win,
But I’m not alone!
Sitting on the porcelain, thinking I'm all clean,
But just when I stand up, it’s like a horror scene,
Feeling something lingering, a ghost from the past,
Got this duty calling, I gotta go back fast!
Corn and peppers swimmin’ in this mystery mix,
Every single wipe just feels like another fix,
Thought I was free, but I can’t deny,
What’s stuck to my backside makes me want to cry!
It's the shit that keeps giving,
The return of the cling!
Round and round we go,
To the toilet, I must cling.
Burning like fire,
Man, this pain’s no joke,
Praying for deliverance,
From this awful smoke!
Multiple colors dancing, oh what a sight,
Like a Rorschach test gone horribly right,
I’m wrestling with the TP, trying to get it gone,
Feels like I’m in a nightmare that lasts way too long.
Burning sensation gets worse with each pass,
I’m begging for mercy, oh why this pain in my ass?
Look in the mirror, and I can’t even grin,
With my butt feeling raw like a sin!
It's the shit that keeps giving,
The return of the cling!
Round and round we go,
To the toilet, I must cling.
Burning like fire,
Man, this pain’s no joke,
Praying for deliverance,
From this awful smoke!
Oh, the battle rages on,
In this bathroom warzone,
All I wanted was relief,
Now I’m stuck with this grief.
I’ll call for backup, team toilet unite,
We’ll conquer this mess, we’ll put up a fight!
It's the shit that keeps giving,
The return of the cling!
Round and round we go,
To the toilet, I must cling.
Burning like fire,
Man, this pain’s no joke,
Praying for deliverance,
From this awful smoke!
So grab those wipes, let’s finish this up,
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- Breite Genre-Auswahl: Entdecke Songs in verschiedenen Genres wie Pop, Rock, Hip-Hop, Klassik, Jazz, Ambient und mehr, alle generiert durch fortschrittliche KI-Technologie.
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Warum unsere KI-generierten Songs wählen?
- Hohe Klangqualität: Unsere KI-Songs sind darauf ausgelegt, natürlich und professionell zu klingen und ein immersives Hörerlebnis zu schaffen.
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