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Parrot Cake

Female singer with beautiful soprano voice, piano and voice, sad and slow piano, in D Minor, only piano and female soprano vocals, beautiful and depressing, devastating and sorrowful, mourning, slow


I felt the clowns slip out of my butthole.
I saw the Donut Man giving birth to a writhing duckling.
Make me a sandwich out of oatmeal and lace panties.
Tell Leroy Barverratt it's not right to have a poop-sculpted baby fukk thing.

Ooooohhhh, RAWRRR!!!!!
But that was why my veins got scared of the cheese flaps.
Vehhhhhhh, NLREVVVVV!!!!!!!!
Good ol' Captain Priggerouks - won't you please pet my germs?
I lost my Dad's filthy twahtt in the sex store parking lot,
And my tears fall on the ghosts of horses...

Bury my fruit cats in the barber's wood pile.
There's a bushel of lasagna in the penguin's lips.
I'm bent on inventing remote-controlled perfume!
Here's your dinner of baked childhood trauma and roasted ape hips.

Brrriiiiiihhh, KAZOWWWW!!!!!!
But Hairy Jennifer slapped the mayor's penis very hard!
Go put the velvet phantom in the microwave full of pig sticks.
Way Wayrrrrrrr, KROUGG!!!!!!!
A simple parrot slab in the Purple Donkey Museum!
Srrrayyrrrrr, VWOVV!!!!!!!!!
My sad vagina is performing underneath all the meat bricks!

Ooooohhhh, humminnuh-humminnuh-humminnuh-humminnuh-WEETH!!!!!!!!
Dindy-trindy poopitty-sroooooo!
NILLDRITTS!!!! Vevvy-wevv, zoppill- Grendel,
Vllleh, brehhh, GUHDOOOOOO!!
ZELLBITS!!!!! Fronnuh-konnuh, drivvuvv blouzurtts!
JEHVARVV!!!!! Krenky-blillst, shirgiggs dayrps.
Dar pwelluh, arbittyyyy, MOIMMMMJIVVERS!!!!!!!



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Parrot Cake

Female singer with beautiful soprano voice, piano and voice, sad and slow piano, in D Minor, only piano and female soprano vocals, beautiful and depressing, devastating and sorrowful, mourning, slow
