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Tincup crash out

Country, country pop


In the pixelated world, where the sun don’t shine,
Austin built his dreams, one base at a time.
But Luke was out there, trading loot for fame,
Sold off all his treasures, just to play the game.

Oh, Austin crashed out, heart heavy as stone,
Caught Luke in the act, he felt so alone.
But in the chaos, amidst all the strife,
They found something real, a spark in their life.

Verse 2
Walls came tumbling down, anger filled the air,
Austin yelled at Luke, “Did you even care?”
But deep in the silence, when the dust had cleared,
Both hearts were aching, both were so sincere.

Oh, Austin crashed out, heart heavy as stone,
Caught Luke in the act, he felt so alone.
But in the chaos, amidst all the strife,
They found something real, a spark in their life.

In the game of survival, they learned to forgive,
With each broken moment, they learned how to live.
From raiding each other to building anew,
Side by side in the twilight, their love only grew.

Oh, Austin crashed out, heart heavy as stone,
But together they laughed, no longer alone.
In the wreckage of battles, they found what is true,
Two hearts in the game, forever brand new.

So here’s to the moments when we lose our way,
When love’s in the ruins, it can still light the day.
Austin and Luke, from rivals to friends,
In the world of Rust, their story transcends.

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Tincup crash out

Country, country pop
