vocal, country harmonicaLyrics
Life of mine
Oh, this life of mine,
Ohhhhhhhh.... Ohhhhhhhh
What a life of mine ......
Every step I take, leads me somewhere strange....
While I battle all the pain,, that's inside my brain ..
I need to rest my soul,,, says a man, who ain't been to sleep,,,
In some weeks....
Still travel on this road,, just me and my ghosts..
While I do this dope,
Like I caint overdose!!
Sometimes I think suicide sounds right!!
A thousand times,, runs through my mind, but to my surprise...
I'm still taking this shit one step at a time...
Wanna walk with me?
Down this life of mine.. hmmmmm
Life of mine!!!
This life of mine!
Pain overtakes!
And gets intertwined!
Give me one more sign!
Like take left, or right!
Well maybe in due time,
I'll get away from this life of mine.
Faces fade away, but the scars remain,
The laughter turns to silence, and joy becomes pain,
Try leaving a past,, burning back in the flames...
Tried to drug em away,, till I forget there own names!!!
Have you ever felt pain??
The pain you try to escape?
Had voices always tell you bout mistakes you have made?
Felt lost or ashamed,, trauma hard to contain!
Till you suffocate, gasping thinking maybe there's another way..
And overflow with emotions...
That you hold in...
What I described, is completely fine,
Just means you're part of the broken!
Why bother cryin, let's hit a line..
And block out all the shit we feel for a moment....
Life of mine!!
This life of mine!
Pain overtakes!
And gets intertwined!
Give me one more sign!
Like take left, or right!
Well maybe in due time,
I'll get away from this life of mine.
Life of mine!!
This life of mine!
Pain overtakes!
And gets intertwined!
Give me one more sign!
Like take left, or right!
Well maybe in due time,
I'll get away from this life of mine.
Can't you hear me?
Mama said you...
Was always with me..
If you're with me,
Can you heal me?
Before the devil,,
Finally kills me??
Hard to describe, just say I'm good man not shit to be said.
Fell off a the bed, face down in the floor..
Stiff as a board, with a gun to my head!!!!
Hmmmmmmmm hmmm hmmmmm....
This life of mine!
Oh, this life of mine!
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