Stevie .
Rap, hip-hop, pop electronic, funkyLyrics
this is the story of Stevie Wonder
and the time Stevie’s cleaner leave the plunger in the toilet
Stevie had to shit so bad
his pants he’d already soiled
no way to stop it coming out he tried to tuck it back in and recoil it but his colon was having non of it
he sat down so hard practically skewered with the plunger handle
which was protruding out his throat
and he looked like a candle
he could smell his own colon off the plunger handle
“oh pooooo”
then there was the time
we left him alone with the cheese grater
which he though was braile for his new paperback
what he read back
So frightening sent him into cardiac
stevie went flying back
hit his head
got his sight back
only to realise he was black
then went into full on heart attack
his eyes dilated they went black and rolled back in
Stevie Started to have flash backs of all the people in his life who were too black
Stevie left town no one ever heard back
it’s a man who thinks his middle finger is his thumb
and gets around flipping the bird to everyone
“did he just give me the bird”
when he goes to high five his fans
his spanks them all on the ass
like Stevie wonder in the ring
ever seen a blind guy swing
like when Stevie ran the Amazing race
It was pretty much 60 hrs of stevie strapped to some guys Back called Zac
See Steve was actually Zacs bacback with all his stash Inside
Stevie had half a kay of mdma and crack
which dissolved when Stevies Stomach acid starting pushing shit down to his ass crack
Stevie started beaming his eyes pitch black,
and unstrapped himself from Zacs Back
dissapeared and went bush wack
Mistook Zacs MDMA for Zantac
shocked at hint at and lost contact Shot at Stevie thought he was on a bobcat in combat driving over people on the tarmac killing in an aftermath of this bloodbath rolling around like an acrobat doing suprise attacks
in some foreign habitat
while Stevie was being shot at
“husta La vista baby “
“man that dudes fucking crazy “
When Stevie ran out of Zantac
he realised he had to get his life back
save his dignity
win his fans back
lay off the Zantac
Stevies been waving at a crowd that have been and gone
stevies still sending texts from the remote he thinks his phone
“why did stevies sperm cross the road?”
“cause he wore the wrong socks “
spent millions on vending machines thinking he was playings slots When stevie does a line he misses the entire lot
thinks he’s high and gets up on the table
and does the Horny Robot
"Beep Beep Its mee steve 3 P 0”
“hahahahahaha look guys Stevie’s doing the horny robot again “
“ go Stevie go Stevie go go go Stevie “
“wait that nicca ain’t Stevie”
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