Another World
Pop, vocal harmonyLyrics
(Verse 1)
It’s time for change, no choice left to make,
Trying to breathe with this heart that aches.
Feels like fear has taken the reins,
So tell me, what comes after the pain?
But I’ll believe, hold on for the light,
Step by step, I’ll fight for life.
What is life, if not a wave?
We fall and rise, and learn to stay brave.
Even when I’m feeling alone,
It’s faith in me that carries me home.
A brand new page, is this the end or start?
We’ll find joy again, heal our hearts.
Laugh and cry, let sorrow fade,
Together, we’ll survive these days.
Oh, this is our chance, our way to see
A new world, a new beginning for me.
(Verse 2)
I used to roam, chasing dreams I loved,
Now I just pray for the peace of home.
Can’t force a smile, can’t fake the cheer,
This weary soul just wants to be clear.
So many like me, feeling the same,
Lost in silence, wrapped in pain.
I’m safe, yes, but I left behind
All the people who stayed, who fight for life.
How can it be that the world’s alright
When my homeland’s caught in endless night?
A brand new page, is this the end or start?
We’ll find joy again, heal our hearts.
Laugh and cry, let sorrow fade,
Together, we’ll survive these days.
Oh, this is our chance, our way to see
A new world, a new beginning for me.
Don’t ask me if I’m doing fine,
You’ll know it when we cross that line.
Yes, I’m safe, but my soul’s not free
Until the whole world can see…
A brand new page, is this the end or start?
We’ll find joy again, heal our hearts.
Laugh and cry, let sorrow fade,
Together, we’ll survive these days.
Oh, this is our chance, our way to see
A new world, a new beginning for me.
Yes, we’ll rise again, like we always do,
Hold our heads high, proud and true.
Through every trial, every tear that falls,
I’ll find my way, and I’ll stand tall.
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