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Two Rights Make A Wrong

Experimental Ambient, spoken word performed by a male


Hello, Butthole Hair Roberts. How are you doing today? Did you drink your morning floor cleaner and tonic? I hope you did because the boneless cats told me that your daughter got in trouble today at the burnt gymnasium. Yeah! They sure did...

Grandma Jared's smarmy oat dress just got back from the cleaner's. She said it costs nine million U.S. dollars every time she has to get it cleaned! That's because she's got a morbidly obese brain though, which makes it hard for her to think about things like bank chains or galloping tulips. Did you hear that, Jack?.. The Jewish Priestesses are talking about graveyard salad again! This is our chance to be fucking FAMOUS!!!!!...

Get Mister Ovary Jones on the line RIGHT NOW, asshole!!.. We need to find out why all of the broken gibbons are having dance-offs under the light of the brown moon! If we don't, then Mayor Ostrich Tits is going to have his way with the geriatric cobra wigs, and BOY, that ain't gonna be pretty!..

The Portuguese mice are rattling the decayed locusts over the sloppy baby's crib of bent beans. Gary Womansson is belching out a Canadian demonic opera song. A shining silhouette of the King Of Frozen Sweat Beards has been witnessed to take form across the stretched face of the Stupid Willoughby Moon, which means Gregory Atticboobs will pick his nose soon. That's going to happen right before the Corporate Dumping Witch from Cheese Blister Falls takes a lethal dose of ghost cocaine, which will make the toddler version of Saturn appear on the doorstep of the Princess Of Curly Space Boogers' castle. When she finds him - which she most CERTAINLY will - she will produce three loud Tarzan screams from the pit of her left arm bone, and that's when everything will be royally FUCKED!!!!

So remember to tie your shoes with rubber chopsticks, Emily Pissbonnets!.. If you DON'T, then we're all in for a trying time at the Grace Jungle Vagina Cathedral for Wimpy Pink Bears....


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Two Rights Make A Wrong

Experimental Ambient, spoken word performed by a male
