Make a wish
Mariachi , cinematicLyrics
In the dim light of a sterile room,
Memories echo, but my heart’s eat up too
Tangled in love, I should have stayed away.
Cause I'm dying, and I found out I have full blown aids....
Fell in love with a whore, thinking she's the one.
Tried to show her I was ready to show her, there's more to us.
Shot me in the heart with tainted blood, in short I guess I could say ..
She really did change my whole life, because I'm eat up with aids....
Stupid whore, you took my soul,
Now I'm dying here, losing control,
Nurse poisons me, till I start to compulse.
Counting my seconds, before I literally go ghost....
You whispered sweet lies, as I danced in your flame,
But love turned to ashes, God damn I'm ashamed.
Pictures of memories a reminder of you,
In this hospital bed, my balls shriveled and blue .......
Stupid whore, you took my soul,
Now I'm dying here, losing control,
Nurse poisons me, till I start to compulse.
Counting my seconds, before I literally go ghost....
Once I was strong, thought I could make thangs come true.
But the coochie tore me up, dying slowly,I'm screwed.
The aids plus the poison this bitch give me tonight.
Got my vision real blurry, like I slowly turn blind.
So here’s my confession, since today is my time
If I could turn back, I'd say fuck you goodbye.
Would a never give you a chance, never ever replied.
Now you hide your identity with shit ass ai....
I ..
Die .......
Stupid whore, you took my soul,
Now I'm dying here, losing control,
Nurse poisons me, till I start to compulse.
Counting my seconds, before I literally go ghost....
So here’s to the lessons from lovers untrue,
To the hearts that we break, to the pain that we rue,
As I drift to the dawn, in this room filled with gray,
I’ll remember your face, as I die from the aids...
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