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Heart To Heart with my Ego

Rap, boom-bap, bass, kick, snare, 90’s


My life
people keep saying I never lived it
idk why they do that
if you want my honest opinion you’re playing an inadvertent victim
you’re ignoring the fact you’ve been abused by the system
while it built you up too,
that’s what they do
manipulation looks like truth
trust me
my ancestors created it dude
do you really think I talk shit out my mouth
like I blow chunks out my ass
do you listen to the streets
do you listen to God
because God knows me
and God knows only Satan run the streets
so don’t come slithering around
tryna Snake me
it won’t work OG
all my life is pain
caused by old family’s ill gotten gains
don’t put my back in a corner
I actually like you mane
my basic ass bars aren’t true because lies is to what society relates
so maybe
look beyond the lyrics and youll see
and hear a side of me
that you no longer hear off 14th
that preachers gospel singin
now it’s bullets ringin
while you talk shit on Twitter my iPhone dingin’
a bird dropped dead because brains too tiny to comprehend him
the message over ya head
just like the dodger cap fitted
if you’d look a lil deeper i never claimed I was thug
I just said it’s love
I showed the consumer how quick a message get twisted by the media
we know take flights words were skewed
we know we released it with what would at the time be misconstrued
and heard and discussed with real killas in a room
I know the gravity of that
I sent the fucking song in a contest to snoop
but do you
do you see how white kids idolize real g’s
and walk around with 9 milli’s shooting anything that breathes
do you see kids like me
who had no man to guide him
so he grew up the same way as thee
a product of my environment
do you just see my skin
and assume I’m one of the same as my fucked up kin
if so
think again
I’m a mortal man so who the fuck am I to condemn anyone
I’m not god
it’s as simple as that
it’s not white it’s not Grey it’s not black
it’s not a gold album it’s not a title it’s not a name on a plaque
it’s fucking life
and a real muh fucka would relate to that
so idk maybe your own mentality is why you feel like I’m always coming for your back
and who knows
maybe one day when we meet face to face
we can discuss it over bread and peace we can break
hands we will shake
and then you’ll blow my head off right
because the rap game is fucking fake
it started as community and turned to gold chains and collection plates
posterizing the opps
like MJ in 98
and y’all got the balls to tell me I’m wrong, k
if that’s not the truth why every legend in an early grave
stop this narrow minded thinking
the reason I say this is because I’m not the only one for which I’m speaking
many have no voice
this we hear clearly
silence speaks volumes and I can’t hear shit over bickering
pointless snickering
middle finger flicking
like a booger
to the wall my brains sticking
you’re wrong
just go back and listen,
you’ll hear the message I been pushing all along

a good life cant be made with ill gotten gains…

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Heart To Heart with my Ego

Rap, boom-bap, bass, kick, snare, 90’s
