The End Of The Road Trip
Clown music, circus clown music, very goofy and geeky sounding male vocals, kazoo, jaw harp, mouth slides, slapstickLyrics
Wellllĺlll -
Uh bumpitty-bermp, siddy-sleng, takkahp.
Brunkbupp, shayrweh-drarkin-gawanabasaragalasawaba.
Look at the loose little bears with wizard noses,
And look at their cousins at the Festival Of Blue, Stringy Ants.
Look at the tiny éclairs on top of eye straps,
And look at the twice-fried bailiff from Brayk County,
The road trip is over,
Let's get out of the clown car, out of the clown car,
Out of the clown car, out of the clown car,
Out of the clown car, out of the clown car,
Out of the clown car, out of the clown car,
Out of the clown car, out of the clown car,
Out of the clown car, out of the clown car,
Out of the clown car, out of the clown car.
Okay, we're out!
Babies are oozing out of brick-skinned gymnasts,
Now the orange, hard bird wants to eat bagel paste.
Talented flaming yogurt century galaxy frogs
Spit turnip skins into the Navy Salon.
Wiggling trance fork toddlers run from the afterlife -
Cynthia with the cake hair has steroid toothpicks.
Bye-bye, Farmer Charles! Tell your gorillas to belch!
The tablet cruncher waits inside the narrow garage.
The road trip is over,
Let's get out of the clown car, out of the clown car,
Out of the clown car, out of the clown car,
Out of the clown car, out of the clown car,
Out of the clown car, out of the clown car,
Out of the clown car, out of the clown car,
Out of the clown car, out of the clown car,
Out of the clown car, out of the clown car.
Okay, we're out!
Salads for the faceless cost a finger today!
The brain bacon waits in the background! No way!
The road trip is over,
Let's get out of the clown car, out of the clown car,
Out of the clown car, out of the clown car,
Out of the clown car, out of the clown car,
Out of the clown car, out of the clown car,
Out of the clown car, out of the clown car,
Out of the clown car, out of the clown car,
Out of the clown car, out of the clown car.
Okay, we're out!
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The End Of The Road Trip
Clown music, circus clown music, very goofy and geeky sounding male vocals, kazoo, jaw harp, mouth slides, slapstick