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Blood and Machines

Aggrotech and Hellectro influences with haunting melodies, grim female lyrics, and melancholic synth layers. A blend of introspection and dark beauty, exploring themes of pain and inner destruction.


The gears turn red, the bloodline frays,
A hollow world consumed by flames.
In shadows wrought, in steel we trust,
A fragile hope reduced to dust.

The flesh obeys, the wires hum,
A perfect chaos yet to come.
The hands that build, the hands that kill,
A godless fire bends the will.

Blood and Machines, the clockwork reigns,
A cruel design where blood remains.
The crimson tide, the endless grind,
A soulless world, a fractured mind.

The ghosts of men, the hollow drones,
They march as one through broken thrones.
The sky runs black, the oceans die,
A twisted hymn, a last goodbye.

No mercy found, no savior's plea,
A clockwork god with no decree.
The chains of life, the gears of pain,
A perfect storm of loss and gain.

Blood and Machines, the clockwork reigns,
A cruel design where blood remains.
The crimson tide, the endless grind,
A soulless world, a fractured mind.

The pulse of steel, the heart of rust,
A world betrayed by endless lust.
The cold machine, the burning flesh,
A dying cry in one last breath.

Each cog a scream, each bolt a sin,
A universe that twists within.
No heroes rise, no light will fall,
A clockwork fate consumes it all.

Blood and Machines, the clockwork reigns,
A cruel design where blood remains.
The crimson tide, the endless grind,
A soulless world, a fractured mind.

The engines hum, the silence weeps,
A crimson dawn where nothing sleeps.
Blood and Maschines, the path we pave,
A hollow world, a mechanized grave.

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Blood and Machines

Aggrotech and Hellectro influences with haunting melodies, grim female lyrics, and melancholic synth layers. A blend of introspection and dark beauty, exploring themes of pain and inner destruction.
