Voice male, gothic, melancholic, doomLyrics
Oh my Lord, hear my humble plea,
In a world full of darkness, set the captives free.
With a heart that’s open, I come to You,
For the lost and the weary, I ask for Your view.
I don’t come for myself, with pride cast aside,
Just a servant of Yours, with arms open wide.
In a realm of shadows, where the lost roam,
I lift up my voice, Lord, bring them back home.
Protect the children, guide their hearts,
Swipe away the fear, let healing start.
Hold the elderly close, let them feel Your grace,
In a world torn by hatred, we seek Your embrace.
There’s sorrow in streets where innocence cries,
Unseen battles fought beneath the tired skies.
I see the rage, the longing for peace,
O Lord, I ask, let love be the lease.
Protect the children, guide their hearts,
Swipe away the fear, let healing start.
Hold the elderly close, let them feel Your grace,
In a world torn by hatred, we seek Your embrace.
Stop the wars, let the drums of violence fade,
Pour out Your mercy, let kindness invade.
Open the eyes of the blind who can't see,
All that You are, all we could be.
Protect the children, guide their hearts,
Swipe away the fear, let healing start.
Hold the elderly close, let them feel Your grace,
In a world torn by hatred, we seek Your embrace.
So many voices calling, hearts full of pain,
Lift them, oh Lord, let hope fall like rain.
A tapestry woven with love over strife,
In the palm of Your hand, give them new life.
Oh my Lord, I rarely ask for me,
But in Your boundless mercy, give us unity.
For the children, the elderly, the broken and lost,
With faith, we stand tall, no matter the cost.
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