Pop punk, rock, emo, screamo, male voiceLyrics
Have you wanted to get out of your small town?
Have you ever wanted to just scream and run away?
Have you ever wanted to be in a super heck’n cool punk band with total badass bros?
Well I did and this my frick’n story!!!!
It started out fine, everything was cool
Boys ruled and all the girls drooled
But then I got older and everything changed
Life hit so hard, it felt like I got banged!!
By a teacher I met at school,
Yeah she used me just like a tool
My friends said that it was fine
And they dreamed about her all the time
I said no it’s not so cool
She gave me herpes in the pool
Where we swam all the time
I think I am gonna loose my mind
Can we just got back to when we were young
When we played and just had fun
Can we just go and climb a tree
Being an adult is just so mean
I really want to drink a capri sun
And not worry about all the bumps on my bum
We will never be the same
Being an adult is just so lame
I hate driving my dumb car
I hate never getting laid at the bar
I hate brushing my teeth and clipping my toes
I’m so thirsty, I really need some hoes
I ran far away from home
Fell off a train and bumped my dome
Spent two weeks in the E.R.
Get some head in a nurse’s car
That’s when I said she should go with on a trip
She said sorry I just gave you the drip
I swear I have the worst luck with girls
Why can’t I just get along in this world
I told the police what she did
Then he laughed and said “good luck kid”
I swear I hate being treated like that
So I gave him a whack on his back
He turned around and pistol whipped my face
I was gone, yeah what a waste
We will never be the same
Being an adult is just so lame
I hate driving my dumb car
I hate never getting laid at the bar
I hate brushing my teeth and clipping my toes
I’m so thirsty, I really need some hoes
Now I’m in jail and my life is gone
I shouldn’t have ran away to write this song
I’m having a really bad time in jail
They make me dress up like a female
Put on makeup and talk all cute
Before they all rail my caboose
Now I have a real loose a noose
So the story goes don’t run away
Or you’ll end up in jail being used by gays
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