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Male, Deep bass, hip hop, fun, upbeat, bouncy , flirty accordion, deep house, dubstep, trombone


fat girls and scooters are fun to ride ,
untill your friends see you
if I remember your eye colour
it’s cause you got small boobs
behind every fat chick’s a glamour
Aint black but I love roots
im kunta kin-tay on the juice
reparations paid in Pussy joose
my memory’s selective
so I can lie with such truth

im van damn but less gay
im vin diesel but less lame
wesley snipes with more game
im John ceena but less vain
im Clint Eastwood with better aim
im Arnold but less Mcbaine
im Dwayne the rock with bigger frame
im Steven segal but less vague
im tom cruise with less hate
im Stallone but understand what I say
im mickey rourke but less Ugg-lay
im Connery tenfold the octopuss-ay
im vin diesel but less poof-ay
im Jason stratham, but less pikey
im denzel but with more cream
im Mr. T with more bling
Bruce Lee with a bigger ding Ding
swayzee but more hip thrusting
im marky mark but dont sing
im ARLI but my bedroom the ring
Ryan Reynolds before green lan-tin
im samual L without the rant-in
im Kurt cobaine with more Brains ‘ n
im Liam Neeson but don’t go chasing

lost my virginity can I have yours
sent that girl back home a
(“she’s like my baby toe
banged her on all the furniture in the dorm
banged her harder than a screen door in a storm”)

sex drive of a rabbit
what’s up doc
I’ll tell you what’s up
can you guess ?
it’s my
why did my sperm cross the road ?
because I wore the wrong socks
dated twins once
(“how did u tell them apart”)
Lexi had blonde hair
and Steve had a

lay down and pretend your legs hate each other
like this leg is your estranged mother
now show me that leak
cause you’ve called the plumber

lost my virginity can I have yours
sent that girl back home a
(“she’s like my baby toe
banged her on all the furniture in the dorm
banged her harder than a screen door in a storm”)

she has to chew before she swallow
cause my sperm count is so high
sucks me till she’s tongue tied
wont stop till I’m bone dry
then I send them all home cryin
cause my sex in high supply-in

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Durchstöbere jetzt unsere KI-Songs-Bibliothek und erlebe die Zukunft der Musikerstellung!


Male, Deep bass, hip hop, fun, upbeat, bouncy , flirty accordion, deep house, dubstep, trombone
