funk, guitar, progressive, pianoLyrics
To the M-I prrrrrrr, cat like a semi
Capp ass stole my car, won’t you get mine
Give yo’ ass a black eye
Oh, say bye-bye
I’ma give your body to the sky
Run through your clique
Nygga, you pissed, don’t trip
I’ma have to bust you in your lips
And the whips better have a whole lotta chips
‘Cause I ain’t for no nygga givin’ tips
She’s a biitch!
When you say my name
Talk mo’ junk, but won’t look my way
She’s a biitch!
See I got more cheese
So back on up while I roll up my sleeves
She’s a bitch!
You can’t see me, Joe
Get on down while I shoot my flow She’s a biitch!
When I do my thing
Got the place on fire, burnin’ down to flames
Roll up in my car, don’t stop, won’t stop
I’ma keep in rockin’ ‘til the clock don’t tock
I’ma keep it hot, light my ass on fire
I’ma grab a philly, go and roll it at the bar
Whatcha talk? Whatcha say? Huh?
Gotta flow, gotta move it slow, huh?
Better you runnin’ out the door, huh?
You gon’ be a long lost soul, whatcha say?
Yippe yi yo, yippe yi yi yay
Put me on stage, watchin’ niggas feel me
Put my shit on wax, watch it blaze like may
Go yippe yi yo, yippe yi yi yay
55, 65, hike
75, 85, test the mic
95, missy wild for the night
105, I’ma keep the crowd hyped
What? What? What? What?
What? What? What? What?
Whatcha know about Timothy, lemme know
Eat an MC like mickie d., lemme know
If he get drunk lean on me, lemme know
I’m about to bust like peeeeee, oooh let it flow [what?]
Anybody know my skills, what the deal?
Anybody feel my skills is the real?
Anybody wanna come fuck wit the steel?
Anybody gotta get they whole body peeled?
chorus x3
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