Beautiful Disaster
Country, clear female vocals, cinematic, heavy bassLyrics
Oh, she's a vision, a sight to behold,
With the fire of a sunset, she's breaking the mold,
Watch her, when she walks, the world comes alive,
A siren in the night, she’s the one that will thrive.
She’s got it all, curves of a goddess,
The air gets electric, oh, you know she's the hottest,
Her laughter's a melody, a song that enchants,
With every little whisper, she’s got you in a trance.
All the colors fade when she steps in the room,
With a smile that ignites, she drives away the gloom.
Every man wants her, every girl wants to shine,
But she’s untouchable, she’s one of a kind.
Oh, she’ll take it all, watch the kingdom fall,
A queen on her throne, the belle of the ball.
Every heart’s a victim, with a love that's a crime,
She's a beautiful disaster, and she knows it every time.
Lips like sweet honey, with a glance that can kill,
A master of allure, she bends to her will.
Every step she takes is like a dance in the air,
She’s the storm before the calm, she’s the spark of a flare.
All the colors fade when she steps in the room,
With a smile that ignites, she drives away the gloom.
Every man wants her, every girl wants to shine,
But she’s untouchable, she’s one of a kind.
Oh, she’ll take it all, watch the kingdom fall,
A queen on her throne, the belle of the ball.
Every heart’s a victim, with a love that's a crime,
She's a beautiful disaster, and she knows it every time.
She’ll pull you in, wrap you up in her spell,
Leave you mesmerized, ringing like a bell.
But don’t get too close, it’s a dangerous game,
Once you’re in her grasp, you’ll never be the same.
Oh, she’ll take it all, watch the kingdom fall,
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