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Let’s loose it

Phonk, emo, rock, rap, , vocal harmony, funk, drum and bass. Heavy guitars, loud bass


(Intro: Heavy, distorted guitars with a dark, industrial beat building up)

[Verse 1:]
Lights out, the room’s spinning, you’re on your knees
Fcked up from the high, lost in the breeze
Your hands all over, nails diggin’ in
I know exactly where this fckin’ night’s been

You pull me close, I feel your breath
Tangled in lust, like flirting with death
Your body’s a weapon, and I’m beggin’ for more
We’re crashing harder than we’ve ever before

You taste like smoke and gasoline,
High as hell, f*cked up and mean
Every hit, every scream, you pull me in
We’re dirty angels bathing in sin

Twist me up, break me down, tear me apart
Got me addicted to the way you start
Rough and raw, no time to care
Drunk on your body and the drugs we share
F*ck it all, lets lose it.

( Dark, heavy bass with distorted guitars building tension, then drums kick in hard)

[Verse 1:]
You pull me in, no way to escape
Lips like poison, drowning in the taste
Your body’s a drug, and I’m hooked on the high
Losing myself every time we collide

Rough hands, wild eyes, pull me under your spell
You drag me to hell, and I fcking love it well
Skin on skin, we’re crossing every line
No fcking limits, just wasting time

You and me, babe, we’re a ticking time bomb
Gonna crash, gonna burn, then we’re f*cking gone
You got me twisted, tangled, I’m down to break
I’ll take the risk, baby, for that sweet mistake

Crash and burn, baby, let’s set it on fire
Rough sex, hard drugs, feeding desire
F*ck it all, we’re tearing down the night
Bodies hit the floor, can’t do this right
Crash and burn, there’s no turning back
Feel the heat, it’s a full-blown attack

[Verse 2:]
You push me down, I’m crawling for more
Biting your lip as I hit the floor
We’re dirty and dangerous, high off the fight
Every scream, every moan, gets me higher tonight

F*ck the world, we’re lost in the game
Don’t give a damn if we feel the shame
We’re dancing with the devil, burning it up
Twisted in sheets, never getting enough

You and me, babe, we’re a ticking time bomb
Gonna crash, gonna burn, then we’re f*cking gone
You got me twisted, tangled, I’m down to break
I’ll take the risk, baby, for that sweet mistake

Crash and burn, baby, let’s set it on fire
Rough sex, hard drugs, feeding desire
F*ck it all, we’re tearing down the night
Bodies hit the floor, can’t do this right
Crash and burn, there’s no turning back baby let’s lose it.
[Bridge: Korn-style breakdown with growling vocals]
Taste the sin, feel the bite
Your nails in my skin, tearing up the night
We're fcked up, yeah, but it feels so right
Can't stop now, let's fck until the light
Crash and burn, baby, let's set it on fire
Rough sex, hard drugs, feeding desire F*ck it all, we're tearing down the night
Bodies hit the floor, can't do this right Crash and burn, there's no turning back
Feel the heat, it's a full-blown attack
(Outro: Slow, distorted guitar fades out, leaving an echo of intensity)

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Let’s loose it

Phonk, emo, rock, rap, , vocal harmony, funk, drum and bass. Heavy guitars, loud bass
