Pagan Norse, Light Argument Vibe, Conflicted MoodLyrics
(Frustrated tone in voice)
Everything is about Magni,
I would like my turn so badly,
To prove that I have a place too, in this family.
(Patient-but-cross tone in voice)
I can’t believe you feel that way!
Listen to what I have to say!
Modi, you will have to grow up, some point, some day!
Because if not, you’ll waste your life away!
(Reassuring, calm tone in voice)
You are both my sons! There’s no favourites!
(Unsure tone in voice)
You say that, but we don’t receive the same praises.
(Calm-but-strict tone in voice)
Same and Equal are not the same! You must face it!
You are both my sons! There’s no favourites!
(Insecure tone in voice)
Is it because I’m not full-god,
That I’m never given a shot?
Dad, please just tell me if I’m good enough or not!
(Patient tone in voice)
Modi, you’re just as important,
As Magni is, so be sure, kid,
That your place is stable enough, and glad for it!
Now, heed what I said! Do not ignore it!
(Reassuring, calm tone in voice)
You are both my sons! There’s no favourites!
(Unsure tone in voice)
If so, why does Magni only get to make it?
(Calm-but-strict tone in voice)
Because Magni has more potential… (worried tone in voice) Ah! Oh Shit!
(Sad tone in voice)
My point’s been proven, he’s your favourite!
[Interlude Music]
(Guilty tone in voice)
It’s not as simple as you know!
(Spiteful tone in voice)
You could have fooled me so!
To your golden lad, you should go.
(Defensive tone in voice)
Modi, for Valhalla’s sake, please!
I’m not perfect, give that to me!
(Frustrated tone in voice)
Fuck! Way to go, Thor!
(Solemn, calm tone in voice)
We can’t pretend we don’t have favourites.
I’m the least important? You know what, I’ll take it.
What kind of dad am I? What a mess I made this!
If we can try our best, then we can get through this.
Maybe one day, there’ll be no favourites.
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