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Blue bandana

Concerned rap


Yo, it's Leo on the mic, you know it's time to fight,
Dissing my bros, that ain't right, gotta shine that light.
Shredder thinks he's slick, hiding behind his crew,
But I'm stepping in, saying, "What you gonna do?"

Yo, Shredder, what's the deal? You hiding like a punk,
Letting your scientist throw shots, acting like a junk.
Mikey's got that heart, you know he’s the youngest,
But when you come at him, you best not be the dumbest.
Come at me, bro, I'm ready for the clash,
Stepping to the mic, turning up the volume with a blast.
This ain't just a game, it's a battle for respect,
You thought you could come for my fam? Check your intellect!

Shredder, step back, you don’t want this fight,
We’re the turtles in the night, shining ever so bright.
Don't be a coward, deal with me yourself,
We ain't Russian but this Roulette, one in the chamber just watch your health!

I heard you lurking, plotting, thinking you so clever,
But your schemes are weak, yeah, they're torn like a tether.
Donnie’s got the tech, he's counting on the digits,
We'll shred your plans like we’re flipping through the widgets.
I know you see us coming, we're a force to be reckoned,
Our brotherhood's unbreakable, can't mess with our weapon.
Raph's got that strength, he's ready for the brawl,
You think you can take us down? You're in for a fall!

Shredder, step back, you don’t want this fight,
We’re the turtles in the night, shining ever so bright.
Don't be a coward, deal with me yourself,
We ain't Russian but this Roulette, one in the chamber just watch your health!

So go ahead, try us, make your move,
But when the turtles rise, you know we always groove.
Heart and soul combined, we defend what's true,
Together we stand, there’s nothing we can’t do.

So, Shredder, you can call your little goons,
But when the time is right, we'll send you to

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Blue bandana

Concerned rap
