A Kentucky Football Dream
traditional country, folk rock ballad, steel guitar, violin, percussion, anthem, seasoned male vocalsLyrics
Mark Stoops comes out of that tunnel looking for a win.
The Axel Rose of college football.
He brought them their Kentucky Football Dream...
This is the Legend of a Youngstown South-sider.
Built on grit.
He is a son of a hometown coaching Icon.
His Dad a Cardinal Mooney Saint.
He was a man of the players,
A man of prayers.
A leader, a coach, a mentor, a friend.
Mr. Stoops watches his sons from high-up above.
[VERE 2]
Mark Stoops came to that school where a football field,
had become a graveyard.
He put it all on the line.
He found a pulse.
Brought their football program back from the dead.
Mark Stoops comes out of that tunnel looking for a win.
It was back in twenty twelve when he took fourth as a wild cat.
It’s a Kentucky Football Dream.
So soon will they forget?
Their Football King?
Who found a pulse in a long deceased Wild Cat.
He made that team “Gator hunters..!”
Will Coach Stoops be put on the chopping block?
Be made a “martyr..?”
A man of the players.
Who will show up and speak for his character?
Who will protest & fight for their leader, their mentor, their friend.
Mark Stoops comes out of that tunnel looking for a win.
The all-time most winningest Kentucky coach.
He’s The Wild Cat King.
It was a Kentucky Football Dream.
Coach you’ve made your Dad proud…
[Final CHORUS]
Mark Stoops comes out of that tunnel looking for a win.
It was back in twenty twelve when he took fourth as a wild cat.
It’s a Kentucky Football Dream..!
A Kentucky Football Dream…
A Kentucky Football Dream..!
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A Kentucky Football Dream
traditional country, folk rock ballad, steel guitar, violin, percussion, anthem, seasoned male vocals